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    Reactor build 24115 Entities UI: When a capability filter is selected, the value column header displays a selector allowing the user to display a value in the column other than the primary value for the filtered entities. The extensions subdirectory ext may now be located under config, which makes its location uniform for bare-metal and docker users; this will eventually become the standard location. It is not necessary at this time to relocate your existing ext directory if you have one — either or both the old and new locations will work for the foreseeable future. Improve the coordination of the Reactions and Rules displays when open and interacting on multiple displays (e.g. when you delete a reaction on one screen, it should disappear from the other(s)). Fix a browser-side performance issue/delay with reconnection to a restarting Reactor service when the Status page is up and displaying the Recently Changed Entities widget. This also improves the memory consumption and performance of the widget generally. Increase tolerance for damage to most storage objects, particularly those that only maintain state that can usually be safely rebuilt on the fly. For those that cannot, like rules and expressions, isolate a faulty file and ignore the object with an alert to the user. Preserve the broken file. PR 0000367 Localization of the new strings in the rule state override menu and state display have been added. PR 0000368 Fix missing localization string for Copy Attributes button in Entities list entity detail card. Report detected time zone and offset in startup messages. Add time zone display to hover title on browser and host times in UI header. New wifi_status system capability for WiFi-connected devices that can report connection status. PR 0000369 Docs: Add documentation for ev_charger system capability. HassController now supports responses from services that support them; whether required or optional, a response will be requested and stored in x_hass.last_response on the target Reactor entity. The data returned is not processed in any way; it is written as-received to the attribute. Tip: if possible, always make the service call from the target entity, not from the system entity. HassController: Bless Hass to 2024.4.4 MQTTController 24114

    NOTE: This version requires Reactor build 24115 or higher

    Add template for Shelly RGBW2 (using Gen1 API) called shelly_rgbw2_color (requires topic). Add support for wifi_status capability for some devices; more to come. Previously, those devices stored WiFi status info in x_mqtt_device (extended capability) attributes. Now that a first-class capability is being used, the extended attributes are deprecated and will be removed from a future release. Templates may now remove an action from an entity if it isn't supported by the device. This is done by specifying the action's value as false. If a device cannot support any action of a capability, the entire default list of actions for the capability can be removed by specifying the capability value as false in the actions section of the template. For an example, see the template shelly_rgbw2_color implementation for capability light_effect action set_speed, and the action implementation for the button capability. Templates may now define custom actions in x_mqtt_device. Including an arguments object in the standard action arguments format allows the template to notify the UI of the arguments required by the action. For an example, see the template shelly_rgbw2_color action x_mqtt_device.set_white.

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