"Hi, I'm Troy McClure, famous from such posts as 'How to Send Data to Google Sheets from Rule Machine', and 'Creating Zero-CSS Animated SVG Backgrounds for Hubitat Dashboard Tiles Using Hidden iFrames', and other esoteric topics nobody wants to read."
But srsly, I did expect more response when I recently released my very first full-fledged HE Device Driver which pits you against an AI bot in the game of TicTacToe on a gameboard created out of 12 button Tiles. 😉
TicBot Game
@toggledbits sure won't miss my MSR antics, but I do! What's the point of beta testing if you cannot first crush the everlivin' life out of something while probing its deepest, darkest recesses.
Indeed, first thing I inquired about after joining HE Forum a few years back was "Can this thing tie in with X10?" (A: Yes and, more pointedly, no.)
I would love to visit here more often, but must confess you guys are so awesome you've left me nothing to BREAK!