
Discuss your vera problems and findings here

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  • Free to a new home

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  • MiOS is Winning the X10 Wars

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    "Hi, I'm Troy McClure, famous from such posts as 'How to Send Data to Google Sheets from Rule Machine', and 'Creating Zero-CSS Animated SVG Backgrounds for Hubitat Dashboard Tiles Using Hidden iFrames', and other esoteric topics nobody wants to read."
    But srsly, I did expect more response when I recently released my very first full-fledged HE Device Driver which pits you against an AI bot in the game of TicTacToe on a gameboard created out of 12 button Tiles. 😉
    TicBot Game

    @toggledbits sure won't miss my MSR antics, but I do! What's the point of beta testing if you cannot first crush the everlivin' life out of something while probing its deepest, darkest recesses.

    Indeed, first thing I inquired about after joining HE Forum a few years back was "Can this thing tie in with X10?" (A: Yes and, more pointedly, no.)

    I would love to visit here more often, but must confess you guys are so awesome you've left me nothing to BREAK!

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Thanks! I have this on my roadmap, so it’s really appreciated. I’ll also work on a script/plugin to easy remap from one controller to another, since I’ll definitely need it.

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    I developed this mapping table in answer to some of my own questions above.

  • floor heating automation

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  • Nuke Vera Script

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    20 Posts

    I havent needed Socat, just using Z2MQTT in a docker, and it connects to the vera just fine over network.. I ended up retiring the vera in the end in favour of UZB and Z-Stick, as some functions and security didn't work, but basic z-wave works well.

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Today I moved my last device from Vera to HomeAssistant. I do have mixed feelings about it. For all it's flaws and performance issues, it had a very easy interface to get started in and for the average person, could do most of what they needed. Started using PLEG but never got very far with it since I had to spend hours relearning it every time I wanted to add a new automation. Reactor was a breath of fresh air for the Vera and I am eternally grateful for all the assistant I have received from Patrick over the years including some beta code for my Leviton scene controllers and my Venstar thermostat. MSR allowed me to tie my Vera and Home Assistant together while I slowly migrated off Vera and had way more capabilities than I could ever master.

    As I get older, my wife keeps telling me that if I die she is selling the house because she cannot run it. That has given me some incentive to simplify my environment so I have gone to only Home Assistant. Would have stayed with MSR if I could have figured out how to get the addon to work in HA, but in the end was easier to move everything to HA and eliminated one more component.
    Thanks to all the people that have offered assistance on this community as well as the old Vera forum before EZLO.


    Have a nice Vera Plus available if anyone is interested. In the Seattle area but will ship. Make me an offer.

  • 0 Votes
    50 Posts

    @htcheng Out of interest what type of Vera are we talking about here? Ditto what sticks were you using?

  • Vera 3 with a Z-Wave.Me UZB stick

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    2 Posts

    It won't work. You are attempting to use a GEN3 device (Vera3) with a GEN5 or higher device (UZB).
    Z-Wave is backwards compatible but what you are endeavoring to do is the opposite.

  • iPhone locator or alternative.

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    @akbooer Thanks again, I will poke around a bit. I have not explored anything with HomeKit yet, but it was something on my list.

  • Power monitoring options

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    9 Posts

    Like @Crille I have an electrical meter with a P1 data port. I use a DIY ESP8266 reader that I described some time ago in this thread. Since writing my post I have changed the software on the ESP, the version I am using now publishes the meter data approx every 10s as a json.

    A good wifi solution for the whole house if lacking a dataport is to use a Shelly 3EM. It is a three clamp meter that can measure all three incoming phases, assuming you have that. I have a few of these for measuring both single and multiple phase consumers, e.g. a two-phase water heater. It reports both energy, power, voltage and current per phase.
    The only downside I can see is that the clamps are a bit big, so some space is required to get them in place around the incoming power lines.

  • Getting FW version from Vera's FirmwareInfo

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    3 Posts

    Thanks for the pointers. I’ll try to look at plugs directly, maybe there’s a stick somewhere.

  • Vera to zwavejs

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    Nevermind, I started the exclude include journey... almost gone from Vera... I must admit, I'm going to miss her. I whish including was as fast and stable as excluding 🤣

  • Vera firmware 7.32 beta

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    86 Posts

    I do it in startup Lua, so I don't forget. It also makes it easy to go in and change it when I want it back on (my feeble memory doesn't have to remember the precise spelling of the setting).

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  • Method to get the security key from Vera?

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    Ah thanks so much 🙂

  • Why is VERA+ making calls to

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    7 Posts

    I've been working on a mechanism for this, but unfortunately, there are many cross-platform issues (e.g. how WIndows does it vs Linux, whether it's doable in a docker container or not, etc). Every environment is a little different.

    As a workaround for bare-metal Linux, there is a script in tools called that can be run by cron (as a non-root user). It will ping various sites and create/update x_reactor_system_extra.inet_ok on the Reactor System (reactor>system) entity.

    I have no such solution at the moment for Windows or Docker. In my own house configuration, I just use the flag from the entity for the Vera's Reactor master device.

  • Can I connect a Nokia/Withings scale to Vera?

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    3 Posts

    @parkerc Intriguing. I will look into that avenue, thanks!

  • Help with Luup Reloads

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    33 Posts

    @therealdb the files seem to be deleting by themselves. The plug-in itself though is still unstable though, I observed some new behaviours. I will post on the thread I started about the counter.

  • How to reset a Tripped state?

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    3 Posts

    If you're doing it from MSR, use the x_vera_device.set_variable action on the device to set Tripped (service Id urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1 to 0.

    An HTTP would do essentially the same as the above ('http://vera-ip:3480/data_request?id=variableset&DeviceNum=NNN&serviceId=urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1&Variable=Tripped&Value=0`).

    And of course, you can do it in Lua: luup.variable_set( "urn:micasverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1", "Tripped", 0, device_number )

    Devices in the SecuritySensor1 service also support an AutoUntrip state variable that if set to a non-zero number of seconds will reset the Vera device (not the physical device) to untripped after that time. If you have to create the variable, the service ID is the same as that listed above.

    Keep in mind that any of these manipulations of the state variable have nothing to do with what the physical device thinks, so Vera won't report the actual reset of the device (because Tripped has already been set to 0/false), and any refresh of the device (e.g. Luup reload) may cause a retrigger.

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