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    108 Posts
    Reactor build 22243

    POTENTIAL BREAKING CHANGE: The conditions in a Reaction's repeat...while group are meant to be Constraints, not Triggers -- they are stateless, meaning that they are evaluated each time they are run, not when an underlying condition triggers them (such as a timer expiring on a sustained for option). This was always meant to be the case, but an error in the UI implementation permitted certain condition options applicable only to trigger conditions. This is now fixed, and any constraints containing condition options will have those options removed during later editing, and the options will not function (they haven't been working correctly anyway) until that time.

    Shell Command action now supports expression substitution. This makes an already dangerous (security-wise) action even moreso, so it must be enabled explicitly by setting allow_shell_action_substitution: true in the engine configuration section of reactor.yaml. It is highly recommended that Shell Command actions only be used on systems that have HTTPS access and Access Control (user authentication) enabled, to reduce the possibility that the action could be a vector for attacking the host system and your network. PR 0000378: VirtualEntityController: fix configuration collision between virtual entities affecting time-series aggregations. PR 0000369: Add error attribute for ev_charger system capability documentation. PR 0000349: Support custom sounds for Pushover notification. PR 0000290: Display rule ID in rule editor (convenience). HassController: Bless Hass to 2024.8.3 ZWaveJSController 22242

    BREAKING CHANGE WARNING: The entity IDs of certain child entities may change to reflect a more deterministic naming style. Entities principally effected would be those created in 2022 and earlier for scene activation. Rules that use these entities will need to be updated.

    Handle notification special events (in Notification CC 113 type 6) for locks for better performance of keypad capability attributes (where the device and Z-Wave JS support it). Update Fibaro FGR222/FGRM222 handling for manufacturer proprietary venetian blind position and tilt Creation of child entities is expanded to include all command classes that result in capability/attribute collisions on an entity. That is, if two or more values (from Z-Wave JS) on an endpoint resolve to the same Reactor capability, a new child entity is created.

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