Installed Sitesensor yesterday. Defined a http request towards for the weather.
Default it only sends requests when the device is armed. When I armed the sensor both of my sirens started bleeping. Not funny with at night with two kids asleep.
Simultaneous with arming the device, the first http request probably is send and my first http request did not have the Useragent http header so the result was a 403; this probably made the sitesensor device being triggered.
I unchecked the box "only send requests when armed" and disarmed the sitesensor. This works ok but only one slight mistake with thick fingers and I have armed it again.
I see the sitesensor device is being configured as a SecuritySensor (as it implements the securitysensor serivce?). This makes that sirens react when the sitesensor trips. I have a leakage sensor as well and I know this one triggers the sirens as well. Do not have any doorsensors right now but hope these will not trigger sirens as well.
Is there a way to tell Sirens to ignore Sitesensor and/or other specific devices. Or should sitesensor not be configured as a security device?
Is there an easy solution?
Grtz Swiddy
Some details:
-Vera Secure box with built in siren (siren is a separate device)
-POPP Smokedetector with siren
-Upto-date with Vera firmware and Not on Openluup yet but don't think this would make a difference here