OK - you have zwave-js-ui all set up and working. You are using MQTT. So you push a button on a minimote or similar. What is the MQTT topic/response? Presumably something to do with events and "zwave_js_event"? What's the payload? Tell me more!
Why do I ask? I'm sure openLuup & MQTT could handle this?
Hi all
Looking for some ideas about how I might be able to automate my lights.
Currently I have Fibaro FGMS001 (combined lux / motion / temperature sensors)
I can currently get the lights to come on in a room by simply implying that lux <100 and the movement sensor is tripped. That's not so bad, although it's a bit crude.
Struggling more with:
Keeping them on: I've turned the motion sensitivity up quite a lot, but when (fore example) reading in bed, they trip off
Extending a timer (so there's a minimum time of 'on' after trip) needs to get quite high, such that you might be in a room for 10 seconds, and the lights stay on for 20 minutes.
Any bright ideas?
Having trouble setting the Aeotec Siren 6 volume and the duration for a specific siren (alarm).
Reactor version: latest-23010-7dd2c9e9
Setting the tone value works fine. On the other end, what ever value I put under volume_level and duration has no effect.
As usual, I am doing something wrong but can't figure out what.
Thanks in advance.
I finally decided to make use of the DynamicGroupController.
I needed to find an easy/effective way to identify devices with low battery levels and this caught my attention.
I created an expression, actually two. One to get the entity names and another one to strip off "_battery_level" at the end of an entity name. That way it looks clean when a notification is sent.
So far, I like what it can do and will try to see where else I can leverage it despite being experimental.
I did search this forum for comments/feedback. I couldn't find any. So I apologize up front if there were.
Question for Patrick, am I safe to use this controller? Should I only use it for testing purposes?
Any thoughts on this? OpenLuup / MSR on bare metal Debian Bullseye.
The heating normally comes on an hour before the radio, this morning that was 0430.
Normally this works perfectly and has done for many weeks. This morning though, something odd:
Device in question is 20300. In shot, MSR correctly triggered and changed the setpoint to 21 at
But at
2023-01-16 04:31:51.128
OpenLuup has reset the set point to 18.
More than prepared to accept this as a glitch, but curious as to any thoughts?
Reactor log:
[latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:29:11.701Z <httpapi:INFO> httpapi: API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.002Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) starting evaluation; because timer-trigger Timer#rule-l6gxvycu [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.005Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) trigger evaluation result is true (previously false) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.005Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.022Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) evaluation complete [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.022Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Morning Lights are on<SET>" (rule-l6gxvycu:S) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.023Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) starting evaluation; because timer-trigger Timer#rule-l60fkpo3 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.025Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) trigger evaluation result is true (previously false) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.025Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.033Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) evaluation complete [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.034Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Morning Heating<SET>" (rule-l60fkpo3:S) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.035Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Morning Lights are on<SET> (rule-l6gxvycu:S) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.036Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Morning Heating<SET> (rule-l60fkpo3:S) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.037Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) starting evaluation; because timer-trigger Timer#rule-l6gxvycu [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.038Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) trigger evaluation result is true (previously true) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.038Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) evaluated; trigger state unchanged (true); rule state remains SET [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.038Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Lights are on (rule-l6gxvycu in Outside Lights) evaluation complete [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.038Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) starting evaluation; because timer-trigger Timer#rule-l60fkpo3 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.040Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) trigger evaluation result is true (previously true) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.040Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) evaluated; trigger state unchanged (true); rule state remains SET [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.040Z <Rule:INFO> Morning Heating (rule-l60fkpo3 in Heating Control) evaluation complete [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.077Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action power_switch.on([Object]{ }) on Switch#vera>device_20170 succeeded [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.079Z <Engine:INFO> Resuming reaction Morning Lights are on<SET> (rule-l6gxvycu:S) from step 1 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.147Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action x_vera_svc_upnp_org_TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat.SetCurrentSetpoint([Object]{ "NewCurrentSetpoint": "21" }) on Thermostat#vera>device_20300 succeeded [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.147Z <Engine:INFO> Resuming reaction Morning Heating<SET> (rule-l60fkpo3:S) from step 2 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.212Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action power_switch.on([Object]{ }) on Switch#vera>device_20090 succeeded [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.213Z <Engine:INFO> Resuming reaction Morning Lights are on<SET> (rule-l6gxvycu:S) from step 2 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.214Z <Engine:INFO> Morning Lights are on<SET> all actions completed. [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.274Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action x_vera_svc_upnp_org_TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat.SetCurrentSetpoint([Object]{ "NewCurrentSetpoint": "22" }) on Thermostat#vera>device_20380 succeeded [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.276Z <Engine:INFO> Resuming reaction Morning Heating<SET> (rule-l60fkpo3:S) from step 3 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:00.276Z <Engine:INFO> Morning Heating<SET> all actions completed. [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:30:43.031Z <httpapi:INFO> httpapi: API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:28.489Z <Rule:INFO> Office Heater On (rule-laku2z5a in Office Environment) starting evaluation; because entity-changed ValueSensor#vera>device_25002 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:28.490Z <Rule:INFO> Office Heater On (rule-laku2z5a in Office Environment) trigger evaluation result is false (previously false) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:28.491Z <Rule:INFO> Office Heater On (rule-laku2z5a in Office Environment) evaluated; trigger state unchanged (false); rule state remains RESET [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:28.491Z <Rule:INFO> Office Heater On (rule-laku2z5a in Office Environment) evaluation complete [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:37.103Z <Rule:INFO> Server Room Temperature Alert (rule-l5sbqlpf in Server Room Conditions) starting evaluation; because entity-changed ValueSensor#vera>device_25005 [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:37.105Z <Rule:INFO> Server Room Temperature Alert (rule-l5sbqlpf in Server Room Conditions) trigger evaluation result is false (previously false) [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:37.105Z <Rule:INFO> Server Room Temperature Alert (rule-l5sbqlpf in Server Room Conditions) evaluated; trigger state unchanged (false); rule state remains RESET [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:32:37.106Z <Rule:INFO> Server Room Temperature Alert (rule-l5sbqlpf in Server Room Conditions) evaluation complete [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:35:22.545Z <httpapi:INFO> httpapi: API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:35:44.866Z <httpapi:INFO> httpapi: API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-23010]2023-01-16T04:41:19.045Z <httpapi:INFO> httpapi: API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systimeOpenLuup log:
2023-01-16 04:29:55.988 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a4ac768 2023-01-16 04:29:55.988 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057384&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843395986 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a4ac768 2023-01-16 04:30:00.037 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a4f1498 2023-01-16 04:30:00.040 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?newTargetValue=1&DeviceNum=20170&id=action&serviceId=urn%3Aupnp-org%3AserviceId%3ASwitchPower1&action=SetTarget&output_format=json&_r=1673843400036 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e 8a4f1498 2023-01-16 04:30:00.041 luup.call_action:: 20170.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.SetTarget 2023-01-16 04:30:00.041 luup.call_action:: action will be handled by parent: 37 2023-01-16 04:30:00.041 luup.variable_set:: 20170.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.Target was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:00.075 openLuup.server:: request completed (35 bytes, 1 chunks, 34 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a4f1498 2023-01-16 04:30:00.076 luup_log:0: 14Mb, 1.8%cpu, 9.4days 2023-01-16 04:30:00.080 openLuup.server:: request completed (2214 bytes, 1 chunks, 33328 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:00.081 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a4f1498 2023-01-16 04:30:00.104 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a001648 2023-01-16 04:30:00.105 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?NewCurrentSetpoint=21&DeviceNum=20300&id=action&serviceId=urn%3Aupnp-org%3AserviceId%3ATemperatureSetpoint1_Heat&action=SetCurrentSetpoint&output_format=json&_r=1673843400103 H TTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a001648 2023-01-16 04:30:00.105 luup.call_action:: 20300.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat.SetCurrentSetpoint 2023-01-16 04:30:00.106 luup.call_action:: action will be handled by parent: 37 2023-01-16 04:30:00.106 luup.variable_set:: 20300.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat.CurrentSetpoint was: 18 now: 21 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:00.146 openLuup.server:: request completed (44 bytes, 1 chunks, 41 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a001648 2023-01-16 04:30:00.148 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a001648 2023-01-16 04:30:00.175 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8907a7d8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.179 openLuup.server:: request completed (2466 bytes, 1 chunks, 34377 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.179 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?newTargetValue=1&DeviceNum=20090&id=action&serviceId=urn%3Aupnp-org%3AserviceId%3ASwitchPower1&action=SetTarget&output_format=json&_r=1673843400174 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e 8907a7d8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.180 luup.call_action:: 20090.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.SetTarget 2023-01-16 04:30:00.180 luup.call_action:: action will be handled by parent: 37 2023-01-16 04:30:00.180 luup.variable_set:: 20090.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.Target was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:00.210 openLuup.server:: request completed (35 bytes, 1 chunks, 30 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8907a7d8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.222 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8907a7d8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.239 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e89c4cbd8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.239 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?NewCurrentSetpoint=22&DeviceNum=20380&id=action&serviceId=urn%3Aupnp-org%3AserviceId%3ATemperatureSetpoint1_Heat&action=SetCurrentSetpoint&output_format=json&_r=1673843400238 H TTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c4cbd8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.240 luup.call_action:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat.SetCurrentSetpoint 2023-01-16 04:30:00.240 luup.call_action:: action will be handled by parent: 37 2023-01-16 04:30:00.240 luup.variable_set:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat.CurrentSetpoint was: 18 now: 22 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:00.273 openLuup.server:: request completed (44 bytes, 1 chunks, 33 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c4cbd8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.286 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e89c4cbd8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.390 openLuup.server:: request completed (2946 bytes, 1 chunks, 4401 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a4ac768 2023-01-16 04:30:00.406 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a4ac768 2023-01-16 04:30:00.417 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e89ec0a88 2023-01-16 04:30:00.418 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057399&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843400417 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89ec0a88 2023-01-16 04:30:00.452 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057396&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900248 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:00.555 openLuup.server:: request completed (1474 bytes, 1 chunks, 103 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:00.658 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057397&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752390 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:00.761 openLuup.server:: request completed (1222 bytes, 1 chunks, 103 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:01.553 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057399&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900249 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:01.900 luup.variable_set:: 20090.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.Status was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:01.900 luup.variable_set:: 20160.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.KWHReading was: 1673842201 now: 1673843401 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:01.900 luup.variable_set:: 20170.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.Watts was: 0 now: 0.6 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:01.949 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057399&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752391 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:02.052 openLuup.server:: request completed (1462 bytes, 1 chunks, 102 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:02.256 openLuup.server:: request completed (1462 bytes, 1 chunks, 1837 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89ec0a88 2023-01-16 04:30:02.258 openLuup.server:: request completed (1462 bytes, 1 chunks, 705 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:02.270 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e89ec0a88 2023-01-16 04:30:02.281 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a33bfe8 2023-01-16 04:30:02.282 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057402&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843402280 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a33bfe8 2023-01-16 04:30:02.397 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057402&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900250 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:02.839 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057402&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752392 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:02.986 luup.variable_set:: 20170.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.Watts was: 0.6 now: 35.5 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:03.092 openLuup.server:: request completed (983 bytes, 1 chunks, 694 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:03.411 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057403&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900251 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:03.515 openLuup.server:: request completed (983 bytes, 1 chunks, 1233 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a33bfe8 2023-01-16 04:30:03.517 openLuup.server:: request completed (983 bytes, 1 chunks, 678 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:03.524 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a33bfe8 2023-01-16 04:30:03.535 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e89ff6ce8 2023-01-16 04:30:03.536 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057403&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843403534 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89ff6ce8 2023-01-16 04:30:03.666 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057403&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752393 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:10.455 luup.variable_set:: 20761.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.KWHReading was: 1673842206 now: 1673843409 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:10.558 openLuup.server:: request completed (994 bytes, 1 chunks, 7022 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89ff6ce8 2023-01-16 04:30:10.565 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e89ff6ce8 2023-01-16 04:30:10.577 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e89de6688 2023-01-16 04:30:10.577 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057404&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843410576 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89de6688 2023-01-16 04:30:10.681 openLuup.server:: request completed (994 bytes, 1 chunks, 7014 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:10.985 openLuup.server:: request completed (994 bytes, 1 chunks, 7573 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:11.520 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057404&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900252 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:11.951 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057404&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752394 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:12.597 luup.variable_set:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature was: 19 now: 18 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:12.701 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 1180 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:12.804 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 2226 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89de6688 2023-01-16 04:30:12.815 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e89de6688 2023-01-16 04:30:12.825 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a027f48 2023-01-16 04:30:12.825 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057405&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843412824 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a027f48 2023-01-16 04:30:13.130 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 1178 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:13.541 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057405&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900253 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:13.816 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057405&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752395 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:28.245 openLuup.server:: request completed (742 bytes, 1 chunks, 15419 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a027f48 2023-01-16 04:30:28.249 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a027f48 2023-01-16 04:30:28.260 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a3dc468 2023-01-16 04:30:28.261 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057405&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843428259 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a3dc468 2023-01-16 04:30:41.166 luup.variable_set:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature was: 18 now: 19 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:30:41.371 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 27554 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:41.575 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 13313 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a3dc468 2023-01-16 04:30:41.587 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a3dc468 2023-01-16 04:30:41.597 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8978cad8 2023-01-16 04:30:41.597 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057406&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843441596 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8978cad8 2023-01-16 04:30:41.690 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057406&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752396 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:30:41.693 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 28151 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:42.608 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057406&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900254 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:30:56.899 openLuup.server:: request completed (742 bytes, 1 chunks, 15301 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8978cad8 2023-01-16 04:30:56.903 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8978cad8 2023-01-16 04:30:56.915 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a23eac8 2023-01-16 04:30:56.915 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057406&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843456913 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a23eac8 2023-01-16 04:31:12.352 openLuup.server:: request completed (742 bytes, 1 chunks, 15436 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a23eac8 2023-01-16 04:31:12.356 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a23eac8 2023-01-16 04:31:12.369 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e896b9828 2023-01-16 04:31:12.369 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057406&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843472367 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e896b9828 2023-01-16 04:31:21.364 luup.variable_set:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature was: 19 now: 20 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:31:21.471 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 9101 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e896b9828 2023-01-16 04:31:21.473 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 39782 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:31:21.490 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e896b9828 2023-01-16 04:31:21.500 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a45b318 2023-01-16 04:31:21.500 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057407&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843481499 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a45b318 2023-01-16 04:31:21.653 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057407&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1673519752397 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:31:21.757 openLuup.server:: request completed (990 bytes, 1 chunks, 39149 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:31:22.598 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion=31057407&Timeout=60&MinimumDelay=1500&_=1671788900255 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:31:36.943 openLuup.server:: request completed (742 bytes, 1 chunks, 15443 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a45b318 2023-01-16 04:31:36.949 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a45b318 2023-01-16 04:31:36.959 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8a85f578 2023-01-16 04:31:36.959 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=31057407&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1673843496958 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x563e8a85f578 2023-01-16 04:31:51.128 luup.variable_set:: 20300.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat.CurrentSetpoint was: 21 now: 18 #hooks:0 2023-01-16 04:31:51.233 openLuup.server:: request completed (994 bytes, 1 chunks, 28634 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a5edc38 2023-01-16 04:31:51.337 openLuup.server:: request completed (994 bytes, 1 chunks, 29683 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e89c31bd8 2023-01-16 04:31:51.339 openLuup.server:: request completed (994 bytes, 1 chunks, 14379 ms) tcp{client}: 0x563e8a85f578 2023-01-16 04:31:51.347 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x563e8a85f578 2023-01-16 04:31:51.359 openLuup.io.server:: HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x563e8985dd28TIA
All great stuff going on 🙂 One thing I am wondering about is is it possible to view the entire payload coming from Owntracks at all?
Reason I ask is that my iPhone has changed its
string_sensor.value to null even though we are snowed in. This obviously trips the binary sensor to off.
The sensor entity I have set to owntracks_in_region however remains true.
The change happened at 0523 this morning (UTC) when I was still asleep:
[latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:19:13.053Z <httpapi:INFO> httpapi: API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:22:05.883Z <httpapi:INFO> httpapi: API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.087Z <MQTTController:WARN> MQTTController#mqqt if_expr expression payload._type == 'location' || payload._type='transition' returned non-boolean (string) [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.091Z <MQTTController:ERR> MQTTController#mqqt event handler failed for owntracks/catman/catmaniphone on catman_owntracks: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute battery_power.level (mqqt>catman_owntracks) [-] [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.091Z <MQTTController:CRIT> TypeError: Can't set NaN on attribute battery_power.level (mqqt>catman_owntracks) [-] TypeError: Can't set NaN on attribute battery_power.level (mqqt>catman_owntracks) at Entity.setAttribute (/home/catman/reactor/server/lib/Entity.js:453:19) at MQTTController.handle_event (/home/catman/reactor/ext/MQTTController/MQTTController.js:935:19) at MqttClient.<anonymous> (/home/catman/reactor/ext/MQTTController/MQTTController.js:424:38) at MqttClient.emit (node:events:527:28) at MqttClient.emit (node:domain:475:12) at MqttClient._handlePublish (/home/catman/reactor/ext/MQTTController/node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:1547:12) at MqttClient._handlePacket (/home/catman/reactor/ext/MQTTController/node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:535:12) at work (/home/catman/reactor/ext/MQTTController/node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:438:12) at Writable.writable._write (/home/catman/reactor/ext/MQTTController/node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:452:5) at doWrite (/home/catman/reactor/ext/MQTTController/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:409:139) [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.092Z <Rule:INFO> Location Test (rule-lbl1mbdn in Home or Away) starting evaluation; because entity-changed BinarySensor#mqqt>catman_owntracks [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.092Z <Rule:INFO> Location Test (rule-lbl1mbdn in Home or Away) starting evaluation; because entity-changed BinarySensor#mqqt>catman_owntracks [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.097Z <Timer:null> Timer#rule-lbl1mbdn just a note: I'm setting a delay of only 9ms (from 1670908981095<13/12/2022, 05:23:01> to 1670908981104<13/12/2022, 05:23:01>) [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.098Z <Rule:INFO> Location Test (rule-lbl1mbdn in Home or Away) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.118Z <Rule:INFO> Location Test (rule-lbl1mbdn in Home or Away) evaluated; trigger state unchanged (false); rule state remains SET [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.118Z <Rule:INFO> Location Test (rule-lbl1mbdn in Home or Away) evaluation complete [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.118Z <Rule:INFO> Location Test (rule-lbl1mbdn in Home or Away) evaluation complete [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.119Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Location Test<SET>" (rule-lbl1mbdn:S) [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.131Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Location Test<SET> (rule-lbl1mbdn:S) [latest-22337]2022-12-13T05:23:01.138Z <Engine:INFO> Location Test<SET> all actions completed.FWIW I have noticed the issue with the NaN on battery_power.level previously but it was while I was messing around with stuff.
My phone seems to update more frequently than Mrs C's which has not updated at all since I did a location push at 1218 UTC yesterday (to clear the battery_power.level issue.
Debian Bullseye on bare metal
The only thing I can think of right now is that for some reason my phone is sending something duff (although the other parameters (i.e. elevation, long and lat) all seem fine. Forcing a publish from the App results in everything updating as expected.
Log level in Mosquitto is set to all.
Possibly stupid question. I have Owntracks on my phone. It's claiming to report to my Mosquitto server. However, when I transitioned out of the logged area today, I can't find any log entry that seems to correlate.
Is there documentation to integrate Mosquitto with AltUI or MSR? Or am I going the wronggggggg way (again)?
....but not what you think, probably.
I doubt there's an answer here to this, and it's about Iphone locator (sorry!)
Hopefully the question is, at least, slightly interesting.
Polling on the phone is currently set to 5 minutes and IPhone locator appears to update every 5 minutes as I also get an update in the OpenLuup log every 5 minutes.
The 'problem' is that the Iphone locator (and therefore any conditions based upon a change in value) are happening 4 minutes and some seconds after the phone polls and updates its position. So effectively the phone is moving for nearly 10 minutes before any notification takes place. Which is a bit slow for my desired application.
As an example:
2022-05-05 17:27:08.244 luup.variable_set:: 55.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:IPhoneLocator1.MsgText2 was: 28.35 Km @ 0.00 Km/h on 2022-05-05 17:17 now: 28.35 Km @ 0.00 Km/h on 2022-05-05 17:22 #hooks:0 2022-05-05 17:32:12.340 luup.variable_set:: 55.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:IPhoneLocator1.MsgText2 was: 28.35 Km @ 0.00 Km/h on 2022-05-05 17:22 now: 27.77 Km @ 6.92 Km/h on 2022-05-05 17:27 #hooks:0Where you can see that the phone must have updated its location between 17:27:08.244 and 17:28:00.000
Anyone got an bright ideas how I can reduce the discrepency?
I am running HA, MSR and ZWavejs2MQTT on a Synology NAS (Docker). When the NAS reboots (after a power outage for example), I see errors (under Status), yellow triangles in front of Rule Sets and yellow bars in front of Global Expressions. See images below.
To give you some context, in some cases MSR writes statuses to HA Helpers. In order cases, MSR just can't seem to find the referenced entities.
Also, note the bevahior under Global Expressions (images below). The one with the yellow bar says, "Invalid reference to member attributes of null". If I click the Try this expression button, the Last value will refresh accordingly and the yellow bar disappears.
Interestingly, everything seems to be working like it should even if I don't do anything. Which is weird.
This behaviour does not happen when the MSR container is stopped and restarted manually.
Anybody experienced this? Thanks
Errors showing under Status
Yellow triangles showing under Rule Sets
Yellow bar showing under Global Expressions
Hi @toggledbits,
i tried the ezmqtt today, i have some issues most likely that i'm doing something wrong.
i have on my ezlo hub 3 switches, 1 dimmer and 1 motion sensor
i can control the dimmer via ezmqtt/set/device/<device-id>/item/<item-name>
but i can't control the switches.
i receive on ezmqtt/tele/device/61e8937e124c35129921171d/item/switch payload true or false depending on the state of the switch, but when i send on ezmqtt/set/device/61e8937e124c35129921171d/item/switch payload true or false nothing happens, its the same for all switches.
what i'm doing wrong?
Hope I am allowed to post this here?
I can't figure out how to correctly show device battery levels from the Vera Plus via MSR in Granfana.
These devices don't have the battery levels that its displaying in Granfana. I've tried messing about with various settings like units and decimals but its still not right.
Vera Alexa TTS slowwwww (still)
Pass. I don't have 2FA because (without getting into a huge argument about relative risks) why would I
And I don't use Vera because, again, why would I
And both TTS and voice control work absolutely marvellously apart from this slightly irritating 5-10 sec delay
I believe I'm confused. I thought the topic was Vera>Alexa TTS and I was inquiring how you got it to work, that's all. If you're not using Vera... guess that's where my confusion about Vera>Alexa TTS stems from.
Re 2FA, to each his own. That's not the topic.
@elcid said in Vera Alexa TTS slowwwww (still):
@catmanv2 I have no speed issues, maybe your system is overloaded?
It seems unlikely
I'm running OpenLuup on an Intel NUC
top - 18:09:57 up 126 days, 11:16, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.11, 0.09
Everything else is nice and snappy (with the exception of the door sensors which are utter rubbish, but it's an old issue with these devices)
Even if I tell Alexa to turn on a device via HA Bridge, the command is typically executed before I get the 'OK' from Alexa.
The only exception is when I have (typically Reactor, but the delay is apparent in direct Luup calls) dealing with a response. If I have a voice command that triggers Speech > device activation, the activation waits for (up to) 10 seconds for the speech to complete, then the device activation is immediate. If I change the order to Device activation > Speech the devices activate immediately, then there's a (up to) 10 second pause for the spoken response (Not the "OK" that's immediate)
Where are you based @Elcid ?
Sounds weird, but look at logs. I’ve not touched it since ages, but I could dedicate some time during the weekends.
I have 2fa enabled and I’m using oath tool to automatically renew the cookie. I’ve not touched it since years. I’ve moved away from the Plugin because I’m using a custom udp server to offload the Vera, but it’s running the same sh script anyway.
@therealdb does the Vera Alexa plugin do anything self-reflexive, like make (or cause to be made by something else) an HTTP request to the Vera/openLuup, or ask that it play a file on the Vera/openLuup system?
I had an issue with getting the Sonos plugin running on openLuup.... there was a strange delay, not unlike the situation described here. It turned out that the Sonos plugin was, in its HTTP request handler, asking the Sonos to play a file and waiting for the Sonos to ack that it had started it, but the Sonos couldn't play the file because (!) openLuup's web server is single-threaded and can only process one request at a time, and it was in a request already. So until the originating request timed out, the Sonos player couldn't get the media file it needed from openLuup, but the original request was waiting for the Sonos to signal it was playing it (fortunately it had a timeout).
MSR performs actions by making HTTP requests to openLuup...
@toggledbits it’s not doing http calls, but it’s waiting for a bash command to complete. I’m not sure it this is correlated, but I’ll take a look.