I have got mainly hue bulbs around the house, apart from a couple of places where it wasn't practical or pretty enough.
In those cases I put in sonoff in line switches so I can control them remotely. But now I'm wanting to further upgrade by replacing most of my light switches with Hue Tap dials (and add some fittings in where I tend to not want lots of light, but will need it some time). Then I can easily switch between different profiles and have guests do the same.
Does anyone know if I can get a replacement for the sonoffs that can be recognised in Hue so that I can control it with the Tap Dials?
Or alternatively any good alternatives to replacing the light switches with smart controllers?
I'm looking for a zigbee smart bridge recommendation.
I need something I can hide in the ceiling as want to use for downlights.
I don't want a pairing button, I'm looking for another idea as don't want to pull out the ceiling to re-pair. Must work with Amazon hub, as I don't want to use manufacturers hub.
Any recommendations?
Does anyone know if it is possible to use my old Silvercrest SWS-A1 plugs with the Link2Home app or the TCP (Aldi) app?
I have recently begun making my home smarter, and I've run into some trouble while trying to get my Sonoff zbmini-l, which is connected to my Philips Hue bridge, to work properly. I am able to control it individually, but not through scenes or with the Google Home app. Has anyone else encountered this problem and know of a fix? Additionally, I have another Zigbee bridge, but I am unable to find the Sonoff device on it.
Thank you in advance for your help!
PS: I am very new to this.
One of my aqara sensors suddenly stated that the temperature in the garage passed +650 degrees.. I checked, and it wasn't. 😉
Both humidity and pressure is reading normal levels - i guess this must be a HW error?
Its not dead either, just severely offset:
After researching a number of various Zigbee solutions, I have come to the conclusion that Deconz with a ConbeeII is probably the best one available, covering the two HA1.2 stacks and ZLL stacks with the widest compatibility range, even better than the ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT components of Home Assistant, and also the best maintained with regurlar firmware updates. It is really an equivalent to z-way but for zigbee. It has a rest API so I am dreaming awake of a bridge for openLuup here...
Introduction - deCONZ REST-APICould be a good project? I may get one to play with... It could potentially enable unifying the hue devices into one network.
2.4Ghz band Zigbee, WIFI, BT, Microwave, Cordless Phones Interferences. What Zigbee channel to pick?
Kicking off this section with a quick write up on Zigbee 2.4GHz channel utilization.
Zigbee has become a very popular protocol over the past few years mostly due to its low power consumption, low chip cost (not being proprietary like z-wave was) and ease of inclusion.
It does come with a couple of downsides however ranging from single controller topography (aka single PAN coordinator) to what the title says: It uses the 2.4GHz (ISM) band which is possibly ultra saturated by other wireless protocols and even a variety of other more or less proprietary zigbee stacks. (i.e philips hue, Ikea Tradfi, Xiaomi, Plantlink etc...)
It is therefore important to make sure they don't interfere with one another.
This is a good article showing the correspondence between Zigbee and WIFI.
Interferences lead to range reduction, dropped packets, more retries and lags. I have a 2.4GHz spectrum analyzer I can post some results from. I read through the zigbee alliance presentation claiming low interference but my experience demonstrates quite the opposite. When I was using SonosNET and Hue at the same time on neighboring channels, playing SONOS would kill the philips hue network.
Zigbee Smart bridge
I'm looking for a zigbee smart bridge recommendation.
I need something I can hide in the ceiling as want to use for downlights.
I don't want a pairing button, I'm looking for another idea as don't want to pull out the ceiling to re-pair. Must work with Amazon hub, as I don't want to use manufacturers hub.
Any recommendations?Thanks,
If you use home assistant, see here: https://smarthomescene.com/blog/how-to-bridge-zigbee-with-home-assistant/