Shelly i3 as a cheap scene controller for Openluup
All three switches look to be working from that page, but the destination URL doesn’t seem to be reached. So the Shelly itself seems to be fine. More investigation required!
Revelation!! ...
...I've just noticed these words in the Settings above:
Works only when button is configured as Toggle
...but I have it on a momentary switch!!
If these things are reliable, then they really are extraordinary. My initial reaction is that WiFi is not appropriate for small HA devices with no bandwidth requirement, but easy browser-based UI is really nice (if you actually read what the words say!) I haven't measured the residual power usage yet, either, but I'm hoping it's low.
It's just 1 watt, if I remember correctly. More than a zwave one, but it's very easy to install and use.
I’ve just ordered some more of these, and also a few of their dual relays.
Lighting strategy is now ZigBee for individual lights and LED strips, but WiFi for light clusters (chandeliers, etc.)
Looking now for a nice 4-button WiFi had-held scene controller (I did love my ZWave Aeotec MiniMotes!)
I've practically ordered any device they've shipped lately and I must confess it's the right tool for the job. I'll probably test their binary input device soon.
Best part is that I've completely integrated them thanks to my mqtt bridge + virtual devices plugin
I've also deployed 4-5 tasmota based devices in order to get sensors data and I must say zwave is dying behind those tiny wifi devices. I get the point of the mesh and I've invested into zwave, but I think for small setups these are a safer bet.
I'm now thinking of making a native openLuup plugin for non-MQTT use...
That's why I've created the http virtual devices plugin
I wanted to stay generic, and I'm considering an Ui to automatically configure devices based on their type. People on the other side usually updates them calling a luup url, or polling them via luup. I've considered the latter as a native option as well.
Hmm... problem with configuring my second i3 device. I updated the firmware, and it says it’s the latest, but the version is totally different from my other one! Also, now, neither device is picking up the current time. A bit worrying.
Current version: 20200827-070910/v1.8.3@4a8bc427
You have latest version of your device!The current Firmware version of your Shelly device is 20200421-183805/master@d834f204 No newer firmware available.
I use my own internal ntp time server. I'm not sure why, maybe open a ticket, they're usually very fast to reply.
@therealdb said in Shelly i3 as a cheap scene controller for Openluup:
maybe open a ticket
Yup, done that already. Will be interesting to see the response.
Had some interaction with the Shelly folk and currently attached the errant module to the cloud for them to resolve.
However, a truckload of new Shelly modules (i3 switches and v2.5 relays) arrived today and the ones I've tried seem to work OK. More than OK, actually. Very impressive. I'm about to replace a Zwave switch controlling a timed thermostat with one of the relays which will have its own built-in timer schedule... no need for a scene!
I'm also making a small tweak to openLuup to make it easier to trigger scenes over HTTP.
I saw your other post. What about
/scene/nnThis should benefit ha bridge as well.
I plan to stick with the Shelly API syntax as far as possible.
Using other people's API standards has served me very well (Graphite, WSAPI, Whisper, ...) In fact, this new openLuup API is implemented as a CGI using the WSAPI interface, so it's just an add-on with no change to the basic system at all.
I will add dimmers and colours. From this doc:
it seems like the syntax will be
turn=[command]white=[value] red=[value]green=[value]blue=[value] gain=[value]key
turn: on or off
white, red, green and blue value: 0 -255
gain value: 0 -100 it’s only for RGB color -
This makes sense. I was pushing for a more Tasmota-like (and REST-ful) style, but I'd live with Shelly's one as well
@akbooer said in Shelly i3 as a cheap scene controller for Openluup:
I'm about to replace a Zwave switch controlling a timed thermostat with one of the relays which will have its own built-in timer schedule... no need for a scene!
Done! ... and I have to say that the switch's weekly schedule web interface is the simplest and clearest that I have ever come across.
I just orderered two shelly uni (just to test them) and two shelly buttons. I'll use those in the cars to automagically handle presence and trigger some scenes. The buttons can call an HTTP endpoint (or send an MQTT message) anytime they'll attach a WiFI network and can ping to signal their presence. We'll see.
Plus, two EMs I had in my cart since the summer, in order to monitor AC consumption on the floors and detect if it's running or not (it's central air and I can already turn on/off, but status is alwasy hit and miss).
I just so much wish that they produced a four button handheld controller.
Yes a multi-button handheld remote would be nice. There are not so many nice Z-wave options either.
I ordered one EM, two Uni, two 16A wallplugs and two i3 units.
The plan to monitor the power consumption of my AC unit with the EM.
I also intend to replace an ageing Fibary Multsensor on my UI5 VeraLite that I use to detect the state of the alarm with an Uni. I tried to include another Fibaro Multisensor into Zway, but it did not perform that well, so I will phase them out. The Uni looks suspiciously similar to the Fibaro Multisensor, let's see how it performs.
The idea with the wallplugs is to monitor power consumption for washer and/or dishwasher, hence 16A to have some margin.
The i3's are just to experiment with for the time being.//ArcherS
@archers said in Shelly i3 as a cheap scene controller for Openluup:
There are not so many nice Z-wave options either.
I love my Aeotec MiniMotes for ZWave, but looking to move now to WiFi.
@archers said in Shelly i3 as a cheap scene controller for Openluup:
The i3's are just to experiment with for the time being.
I love my i3s. They’ve restored some functionality that I haven’t had since X10, for which there was a very nice 4-input unit. Would be even nicer if they ran on 12V.