Thanks very much. I specified it as you described and toggle works just fine now.
I'll change the username and password and no, the template was not copied to the reactor.yaml file.
I started out by following the docs (see below) on how to set it up but got a bit confused. It gives an example of setting up a Shelly, but then says to use the tasmota_generic_relay template. This is how I ended up with the 0 (from channel 0).
Anyway all good now. Thanks again for the very quick reply. Looking forward to experimenting with MQTT and Tasmota to see if I can get improved reliability from my Sonoff devices.
Easy Device Configuration - Using Existing Template
As an example, let's say we have a Shelly1 configured with the topic shelly1_43DFD2 that is configured to operate as a single relay to operate a stairway light. To create an entity for this device, we can use the tasmota_generic_relay template. The template supports multiple relays, but since only one relay is configured in Tasmota, the published topics from the node will have a "unit number" (identifying which relay if more than one), so we'll specify no unit number by giving it an empty string:
...other stuff
config: "mqtt://"
name: "Stairway Light"
topic: shelly1_43DFD2
uses_template: shelly_relay
channel: 0