Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.
@akbooer said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
The root cause is actually that the service file for a scene controller S_SceneController1.xml does not contain a definition of that variable, or a default vaule for it. I could force this at device creation
...and I have just done so in development v22.12.11.
@akbooer said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
Do you have the bridge/devices JSON for that device?
No but I would see it as no different to checking "occupancy" in the motion sensor device.
@akbooer said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
I take it that your "info" log messages are your own additions to the code.
The two logs are directly as they were spat out, except for uncollapsing of the json as mentioned above. I made no changes.
Yes - this is very odd - I can't see how the code would respond to anything else but the bridges/devices topic either. But certainly it appears to have done same; but unsuccessfully as all devices ended up being considered Generic. I may have to try repairing a bulb with more debug code.
Moving forward - responding to an /event topic would be good.
These messages:
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-10 10:40:28: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/event', payload '{"data":{"friendly_name":"0x001788010363fcbf","ieee_address":"0x001788010363fcbf"},"type":"device_joined"}' Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-10 10:40:28: Starting interview of '0x001788010363fcbf' Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-10 10:40:28: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/event', payload '{"data":{"friendly_name":"0x001788010363fcbf","ieee_address":"0x001788010363fcbf","status":"started"},"type":"device_interview"}' Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-10 10:40:29: Successfully interviewed '0x001788010363fcbf', device has successfully been paired Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-10 10:40:29: Device '0x001788010363fcbf' is supported, identified as: Philips Hue White A60 Single bulb E27/B22 (8718696449691)
…don’t come from my code. You mentioned that this was printed out to the console… something else must be doing this too.
@akbooer said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
Some investigation required here. The existing Color service definition defines three actions of interest:
setColorTemperatureIt's not clear from the service file definition what the possible value/syntax is for any of these commands, so that would mean delving into the UPnP documentation, which, previously, I've found to be an absolute nightmare (as are most international standard definitions.) Perhaps csomeone here can aleady tell us the answer?
I've done a lot of work on the color side of thing in the Vera, and my code used to work on openluup as well. Feel free to take inspiration from https://github.com/dbochicchio/vera-VirtualDevices/blob/master/L_VirtualRGBW1.lua
From line 134 you'll find all the formats that luup is supporting, at least on Vera's side. There's also W/D, for warn and cool white.
a-lurkerreplied to akbooer on Dec 11, 2022, 12:36 PM last edited by a-lurker Dec 11, 2022, 7:38 AM
@akbooer said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
don’t come from my code. You mentioned that this was printed out to the console… something else must be doing this too.
Yes - this is the output from z2m to its terminal, which I am monitoring. ie from the z2m server. Not from openLuup.
So the z2m server is interviewing the newly detected device and recognises it; next it ends up being created in openLuup!
akbooerreplied to a-lurker on Dec 11, 2022, 2:59 PM last edited by akbooer Dec 11, 2022, 1:23 PM
@a-lurker said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
So the z2m server is interviewing the newly detected device and recognises it; next it ends up being created in openLuup!
Mystery solved (partially.) From the docs:
”Contains the devices connected to the bridge, this message is published as retained. Whenever a device joins or leaves this is republished.”
…but this doesn’t explain why the devices are not identified correctly.
a-lurkerreplied to akbooer on Dec 16, 2022, 7:51 AM last edited by a-lurker Dec 16, 2022, 4:52 PM
”Contains the devices connected to the bridge, this message is published as retained. Whenever a device joins or leaves this is republished.”Well this turns out to be the case. Neither openLuup or z2m logged this, as you can see in the logs provided above. However I added logging some code to openLuup and yes and as expected the zigbee2mqtt/bridge/devices topic is published each time you add & remove a zigbee device, which is great. Would be good to see openLuup log the json info when any topic is RX'ed and when MQTT is in debug mode. mqttExplorer would have picked this up but it wasn't running at the time.
Here is the definition json for the dual general purpose outlet (GPO):
{ "date_code": "", "definition": { "description": "Ikuü double power point with USB", "exposes": [{ "endpoint": "left", "features": [{ "access": 7, "description": "On/off state of the switch", "endpoint": "left", "name": "state", "property": "state_left", "type": "binary", "value_off": "OFF", "value_on": "ON", "value_toggle": "TOGGLE" }], "type": "switch" }, { "endpoint": "right", "features": [{ "access": 7, "description": "On/off state of the switch", "endpoint": "right", "name": "state", "property": "state_right", "type": "binary", "value_off": "OFF", "value_on": "ON", "value_toggle": "TOGGLE" }], "type": "switch" }, { "access": 1, "description": "Instantaneous measured power", "endpoint": "left", "name": "power", "property": "power_left", "type": "numeric", "unit": "W" }, { "access": 1, "description": "Instantaneous measured electrical current", "endpoint": "left", "name": "current", "property": "current_left", "type": "numeric", "unit": "A" }, { "access": 1, "description": "Measured electrical potential value", "endpoint": "left", "name": "voltage", "property": "voltage_left", "type": "numeric", "unit": "V" }, { "access": 1, "description": "Sum of consumed energy", "name": "energy", "property": "energy", "type": "numeric", "unit": "kWh" }, { "access": 1, "description": "Link quality (signal strength)", "name": "linkquality", "property": "linkquality", "type": "numeric", "unit": "lqi", "value_max": 255, "value_min": 0 }], "model": "SPPUSB02", "options": [{ "access": 2, "description": "Calibrates the power value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device.", "name": "power_calibration", "property": "power_calibration", "type": "numeric" }, { "access": 2, "description": "Calibrates the current value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device.", "name": "current_calibration", "property": "current_calibration", "type": "numeric" }, { "access": 2, "description": "Calibrates the voltage value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device.", "name": "voltage_calibration", "property": "voltage_calibration", "type": "numeric" }], "supports_ota": false, "vendor": "Mercator" }, "endpoints": { "1": { "bindings": [{ "cluster": "genBasic", "target": { "endpoint": 1, "ieee_address": "0x84b4dbfffecc0c6f", "type": "endpoint" } }, { "cluster": "genOnOff", "target": { "endpoint": 1, "ieee_address": "0x84b4dbfffecc0c6f", "type": "endpoint" } }, { "cluster": "haElectricalMeasurement", "target": { "endpoint": 1, "ieee_address": "0x84b4dbfffecc0c6f", "type": "endpoint" } }, { "cluster": "seMetering", "target": { "endpoint": 1, "ieee_address": "0x84b4dbfffecc0c6f", "type": "endpoint" } }], "clusters": { "input": ["genBasic", "genGroups", "genScenes", "genOnOff", "seMetering", "haElectricalMeasurement", "manuSpecificTuya", "genIdentify"], "output": ["genOta", "genTime"] }, "configured_reportings": [{ "attribute": "rmsVoltage", "cluster": "haElectricalMeasurement", "maximum_report_interval": 3600, "minimum_report_interval": 5, "reportable_change": 5 }, { "attribute": "rmsCurrent", "cluster": "haElectricalMeasurement", "maximum_report_interval": 3600, "minimum_report_interval": 5, "reportable_change": 50 }, { "attribute": "activePower", "cluster": "haElectricalMeasurement", "maximum_report_interval": 3600, "minimum_report_interval": 5, "reportable_change": 1 }, { "attribute": "onOff", "cluster": "genOnOff", "maximum_report_interval": 3600, "minimum_report_interval": 0, "reportable_change": 0 }], "scenes": [] }, "2": { "bindings": [{ "cluster": "genOnOff", "target": { "endpoint": 1, "ieee_address": "0x84b4dbfffecc0c6f", "type": "endpoint" } }], "clusters": { "input": ["genGroups", "genScenes", "genOnOff", "manuSpecificTuya", "genIdentify"], "output": [] }, "configured_reportings": [{ "attribute": "onOff", "cluster": "genOnOff", "maximum_report_interval": 3600, "minimum_report_interval": 0, "reportable_change": 0 }], "scenes": [] }, "242": { "bindings": [], "clusters": { "input": [], "output": ["greenPower"] }, "configured_reportings": [], "scenes": [] } }, "friendly_name": "0x842e14fffe13d0d5", "ieee_address": "0x842e14fffe13d0d5", "interview_completed": true, "interviewing": false, "manufacturer": "_TZ3210_pfbzs1an", "model_id": "TS011F", "network_address": 64390, "power_source": "Mains (single phase)", "supported": true, "type": "Router" }
To recognise this GPO, the function infer_device_type() needs to have a minor change:
--elseif exp.switch then elseif exp.type == "switch" then
That's not going to help very much as the device has two outlets and hence two independently controllable relays. It also has Voltage, current & power measurement but to make everything more difficult the power measurement is the addition of the power consumed by both outlets. This implies the device needs to be represented as a single parent with two children. Gets a bit messy.
The json defines two "Endpoint"s: "Endpoint: left" & "Endpoint: right". I note that ZWave JS UI takes the same sort of approach of making use of endpoints for compound devices.
Looking through the zigbee devices database you see identifiers such as follows - for compound devices:
state state_left, state_right state_left, state_center, state_right state_top, state_center, state_bottom state_l1, state_l2, state_l3, state_l4 --> state_lX state_top_left, state_center_left, state_bottom_left, state_top_right, state_center_right, state_bottom_right,
The dual GPO under discussion returns this payload regularly:
{ "current_left": 0, "energy": 0, "linkquality": 252, "power_left": 0, "state_left": "OFF", "state_right": "OFF", "voltage_left": 245 }
In fact, straight after purchase, it was returning this about every two seconds but fortunately in the z2m web page, you can change the reporting interval.
@a-lurker said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
Neither openLuup or z2m logged this, as you can see in the logs provided above.
Don't know how it missed this, given that the very first action in the MQTT module on receiving a message is...
if message then pname = message.packet_name _debug (pname, ' ', tostring(client)) ...
...but there you go.
@a-lurker said in Migrating Zwave & ZigBee stuff to MQTT - guidance needed.:
This implies the device needs to be represented as a single parent with two children. Gets a bit messy.
Not a fundamental issue – the Shelly, Tasmota, and ZWay bridges do this regularly. The up / down / sideways / ... states may be more of a challenge, in general.
The payload example you show is curiously asymmetric? (ie. some obvious values missing from the other switch.)
@akbooer said
curiously asymmetric
Yes - current/power/energy is as consumed by the addition of both outlets. Should be something like this but isn't:
{ "current_total": 0, "energy_total": 0, "linkquality": 252, "power_total": 0, "state_left": "OFF", "state_right": "OFF", "voltage": 245 }
Don't know how it missed this, given that the very first action in the MQTT module on receiving a message is...
I thought the MQTT messages would show up by setting this flag in the startup - which I have:
local attr = luup.attr_set attr("openLuup.MQTT.DEBUG", true)
but the console ABOUT page shows:
DEBUG false
Assume there are more than two flags in use? Checked the documentation but the only mention of a debug flag was for smttp.ABOUT.DEBUG How do set the other one?
You can set the debug flag in startup or Lua Test with:
local mqtt = require "openLuup.mqtt" mqtt.ABOUT.DEBUG = true