Morning, experts. Hard on learning about the internet check script in MSR tools, I was wondering what suggestions anyone has about a local (i.e. non-internet dependent) notification method.
This was prompted by yesterday's fun and games with my ISP.
I've got the script Cronned and working properly but short of flashing a light on and off, I'm struggling to think of a way of alerting me (ideally to my phone)
I guess I could set up a Discord server at home, but that feels like overkill for a rare occasion. Any other suggestions?
I'm trying to integrate the sonos-mqtt ( with the MSR and it's coming along nicely so far.
But cannot wrap my head around how to define custom capabilities in MQTT templates. I need this for the TTS announcements and similarly for the notification sounds where I would pass the sound file as parameter.
So this is what I have in the local_mqtt_devices.yaml
capabilities: x_sonos_announcement: attributes: actions: speak: arguments: text: type: string volume: type: int delay: type: intAnd this is the template:
templates: sonos-announcement: capabilities: - x_sonos_announcement actions: x_sonos_announcement: speak: topic: "sonos/cmd/speak" payload: expr: > { "text": parameters.text, "volume": parameters.volume, "delayMs": parameters.delay, "onlyWhenPlaying": false, "engine": "neural" } type: jsonSo the speak action should send something like this to topic sonos/cmd/speak
{ "text": "message goes here", "volume": 50, "delayMs": 100, "onlyWhenPlaying": false, "engine": "neural" }At startup the MSR seems to be quite unhappy with my configuration:
reactor | [latest-25016]2025-02-09T08:19:59.029Z <MQTTController:WARN> MQTTController#mqtt entity Entity#mqtt>sonos-announcement unable to configure capabilities [Array][ "x_sonos_announcement" ] reactor | i18n: missing fi-FI language string: Configuration for {0:q} is incomplete because the following requested capabilities are undefined: {1} reactor | i18n: missing fi-FI language string: Configuration for {0:q} has unrecognized capability {1:q} in actions reactor | Trace: Configuration for {0:q} is incomplete because the following requested capabilities are undefined: {1} reactor | at _T (/opt/reactor/server/lib/i18n.js:611:28) reactor | at AlertManager.addAlert (/opt/reactor/server/lib/AlertManager.js:125:25) reactor | at MQTTController.sendWarning (/opt/reactor/server/lib/Controller.js:627:30) reactor | at MQTTController.start (/var/reactor/ext/MQTTController/MQTTController.js:268:26) reactor | at async Promise.allSettled (index 0) Configuration for "sonos-announcement" has unrecognized capability "x_sonos_announcement" in actions Controller: MQTTController#mqtt Last 10:21:37 AM Configuration for "sonos-announcement" is incomplete because the following requested capabilities are undefined: x_sonos_announcement Controller: MQTTController#mqtt Last 10:21:37 AMThis is probably a pretty stupid question and the approach may not even work at all, but maybe someone or @toggledbits for sure, could point me to the right direction.
Basically the idea is to be able to send TTS messages from reactions using entity actions. I've previously used HTTP requests to Sonos HTTP API ( for the same functionality, but since moving to sonos-mqtt, I need a way to send the TTS notifications using MQTTController. Along with the actual message, volume and delay must also be parameterizable.
MSR latest-25016-d47fea38 / MQTTController [0.2.24293]
Hi, @toggledbits
I just noticed that following a reboot of my raspberry pi, some of the rules, that I was expecting to recover, are not catching up following a reboot. I have made a simple test rule (rule-m6rz6ol1) with only "after Date/time" as trigger and "turn on a lamp" as a set reaction. All my infrastructure is on the same board so Reactor, Hass, Zwavejs, ... are all rebooting.
Here is the sequence of the test case (All time converted to Zulu to match logs):
Rule "after Date/Time" set to 14:05:00z Shutdown on Raspberry Pi at 14:04:00z Power back up at 14:08:00z Rule overview shows true as of 14:08:14z waiting for 00:00:00 in GUIFrom the log I can see that MSR is picking up the rule and knows that the state of the rule has changed from false to true and tries to send the update to HASS but failed with websocket error.
Here is what I see from the log:
14:04:04z shutdown complete 14:08:08z Power up 14:08:13.111z websocket connection 14:08:15:323z Reaction to the light failed, Websocket not opened After there is a series of websocket connection attempt until 14:08:51z where it seemed to be really ready.Back in 2021 we had a discussion ( and you proposed to add a startup_delay:xxxx and startup_wait:xxxx parameter in the engine section of "reactor.yaml". When I try the startup_delay (this used to be a hard delay), the engine failed to start (I think). I then try the startup_wait:xxxx without any success. Since it wait for the connection status to be up to cancel the delay, it does not do anyting since Hass is reporting the socket up without really being up ( I think...).
Did I figured it all wrong? should the startup_delay:xxxxx have worked? Any ideas?Here is the log:
OK now I am stuck. I did add the log but when I submit the editor complained saying that I am limited to 32767 characters. The log from the shutdown to the time the websocket is stable is about 300000 character long. What are my options?
Not a big issue simply a request if easily doable.
The MSR logs files inside the container are owned by root witch is fine however, the permissions are very restrictive. I do not know if there is something wrong with my installation but the logs permission are set to 222 (write only). Even if the docker volume is set for Read/Write the log files are retaining these values.
I go around the problem by doing a chmod 777 on all reactor logs but every time there is an MSR log rotation the permissions are set back to 222. So unless the permission are implemented in the container there is no permanent solution to this (that I know of).
I do not know much about Docker container so I do not know what is involved here.
Can the logfiles permission be simply chaged in the container to at least allow "other" read permission?
Could the MSR log rotation routine implement a chmod to set the permission?
Just a small anoyance
@toggledbits In the MSR documentation, under Standard Capabilities, I noticed that the
button.since attribute was deprecated as of version 22256 and the metadata is the preferred way to access the last-modified time of an attribute.
Am I reading this right? Should I stop using it in my rules?
When on my bare metal RPi with MSR I had a rule that ran every minute to check Internet status via a script in MSR called
I've moved to containerized MSR and see in the instructions that this cannot be run from the container.
The script cannot run within the Reactor docker container. If you are using Reactor in a docker container, the script needs to be run by cron or an equivalent facility on the host system (e.g. some systems, like Synology NAS, have separate task managers that may be used to schedule the repeated execution of tasks such as this).
I've put a script on my container host that calls the script and it isn't erroring... but I still see the internet status within MSR as null.
Before I go diving down the rabbit hole... should this work?
My cronjob on the proxmox host:
The contents of
Background: this is a Windows MSR install I've done for our local pool/amenity center just to run some fans and lights (not my daily driver at home). Install went perfectly fine.
Scenario: I want the lights to go on when it's dark enough (even if during a storm, not just after sunset) so I'm using solarRadiation from my weather station to drive that Trigger. Easy stuff.
Issue: sometimes, someone goes in the office and just starts flipping switches and the result can be lights turned on in the daytime or off at night. I'm trying to create a "catch-all" wherein if it is daytime and the lights somehow find their way ON, they will turn themselves back OFF.
I have the following Reaction built:
I also have this Reaction for opposite, ie the lights find themselves turned off after dark and they will turn themselves back on:
Here are my two rules:
288cba86-f941-4157-86d9-d8e7487905f7-image.png *NOTE that in my manual testing, ie I turn on the light switch at the incorrect time, when the solarRadiation level changes the Lights ON rule flags and shows as SET. On the next change of solarRadiation it goes back to reset again.
My expectation is that Lights OFF rule should see the lights are on, the solarRadiation is above the set limit, and turn them off. Instead, every other run, the ON rule moves to SET and then reset again on the following run.
Logs appear angry:
[latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:31.696Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights ON<RESET>" (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:31.712Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights ON<RESET> (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:31.713Z <Engine:INFO> Lights ON<RESET> all actions completed. [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.565Z <wsapi:INFO> client "" closed, code=1001, reason= [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.753Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/lang [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.754Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/lang from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/lang ACL (#7): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/lang", "allow": true, "index": 7 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.790Z <wsapi:INFO> wsapi: connection from ::ffff: [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.839Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 client "" authorized [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:43.353Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:43.353Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/systime from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/systime ACL (#5): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/systime", "allow": true, "index": 5 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.146Z <wsapi:INFO> client "" closed, code=1001, reason= [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.308Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/lang [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.309Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/lang from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/lang ACL (#7): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/lang", "allow": true, "index": 7 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.346Z <wsapi:INFO> wsapi: connection from ::ffff: [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.390Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 client "" authorized [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:49.412Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:49.413Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/systime from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/systime ACL (#5): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/systime", "allow": true, "index": 5 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.734Z <wsapi:INFO> client "" closed, code=1001, reason= [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.891Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/lang [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.892Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/lang from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/lang ACL (#7): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/lang", "allow": true, "index": 7 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.925Z <wsapi:INFO> wsapi: connection from ::ffff: [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.965Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 client "" authorized [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:54.383Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:54.384Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/systime from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/systime ACL (#5): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/systime", "allow": true, "index": 5 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:01.590Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 rpc_echo [Object]{ "comment": "UI activity" } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.646Z <Rule:INFO> Lights OFF (rule-m6e33ja3 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.656Z <Rule:INFO> Lights ON (rule-m6e4ajh7 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.663Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights OFF<SET>" (rule-m6e33ja3:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.665Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights ON<SET>" (rule-m6e4ajh7:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.668Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights OFF<SET> (rule-m6e33ja3:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.669Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights ON<SET> (rule-m6e4ajh7:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.669Z <Engine:INFO> Lights ON<SET> all actions completed. [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.675Z <Rule:INFO> Lights OFF (rule-m6e33ja3 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from SET to RESET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.680Z <Engine:NOTICE> ReactionHistory: no entry for [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.683Z <Engine:NOTICE> [Engine]Engine#1 entry 256 reaction rule-m6e33ja3:S-1q2f1j0p: [Error] terminated [parent terminating] [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.683Z <Engine:CRIT> Error: terminated [parent terminating] Error: terminated at Engine._process_reaction_queue (C:\Users\Jalan\msr\reactor\server\lib\Engine.js:1644:47) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.699Z <Engine:NOTICE> [Engine]Engine#1 entry 254 reaction rule-m6e33ja3:S: [Error] terminated [preempted by rule state change] [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.699Z <Engine:CRIT> Error: terminated [preempted by rule state change] Error: terminated at Engine._process_reaction_queue (C:\Users\Jalan\msr\reactor\server\lib\Engine.js:1644:47) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.700Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights OFF<RESET>" (rule-m6e33ja3:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.704Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights OFF<RESET> (rule-m6e33ja3:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.705Z <Engine:INFO> Lights OFF<RESET> all actions completed. [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.822Z <Rule:INFO> Lights ON (rule-m6e4ajh7 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from SET to RESET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.831Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights ON<RESET>" (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.847Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights ON<RESET> (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.847Z <Engine:INFO> Lights ON<RESET> all actions completed.Hi @toggledbits
I found this very old post that talked about a way to limit device reading to avoid the throttled problem, because it's not a question of logic, it's that the device actually sends a lot of information, in my case the NUT ups installed in HE.
It mentions engine section of reactor.yaml by setting update_rate_limit, but I looked in the current MSR documentation and I can't find this information, so I don't know if it's still valid, its effect and parameters.
My situation is simple, when I have a UPS problem the NUT is sending dozens of reports per second and then I have the throttled problem. The same rule applies when the power is normal.
This is the rule, and the parameter that fails is the Tripp Lite UPS status.
All error is the same scenario.
[latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.753Z <Rule:WARN> (13) NUT Disconected (rule-l4djr0p7 in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.756Z <Rule:WARN> (27) Falta de Energia (rule-l4h9ceod in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.769Z <Rule:WARN> (73) UPS Battery Low (rule-l4hj850o in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.772Z <Rule:WARN> (74) UPS Comm Fail (rule-l4kbs5cp in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttlin> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.776Z <Rule:WARN> (76) UPS Utility Back (rule-l4hjhs6m in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.780Z <Rule:WARN> UPS On Battery (rule-l4hjuka5 in Datacenter) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttling> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.781Z <Rule:WARN> UPS Info (rule-l4gheo63 in Datacenter) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttling... [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.757Z <Rule:WARN> (13) NUT Disconected (rule-l4djr0p7 in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.759Z <Rule:WARN> (27) Falta de Energia (rule-l4h9ceod in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.776Z <Rule:WARN> (73) UPS Battery Low (rule-l4hj850o in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.777Z <Rule:WARN> (74) UPS Comm Fail (rule-l4kbs5cp in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttlin> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.778Z <Rule:WARN> (76) UPS Utility Back (rule-l4hjhs6m in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott>Thanks.
Hello -
Long time. Hope everyone is good.
I have a rule that looks at a number of temperature sensors around the house. It simply sends a general alert if any of them fall below their threshold. (A basic “House is too cold” alert for when we’re away)
Generally, this has worked well. But I was wondering if there’s a way to make the message somewhat dynamic without creating separate rules for each sensor.
E.g. “House is too cold due to Sump Temperature below 45 degrees.”
I thought I remember reading about someone doing this in the past but couldn’t find it.
Thanks for any ideas!
After upgrade from 24366 to 25016 toggle on Vera (openLuup) lock entity doesn't seem to work.
VeraController log level 5
[latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.457Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action toggle.toggle on Lock#vera>device_10016 with [Object]{ } [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.458Z <VeraController:5:VeraController.js:1210> VeraController#vera no configured implementation for toggle.toggle on Lock#vera>device_10016; calling super [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.458Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action lock.set on Lock#vera>device_10016 with [Object]{ "state": false } [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.461Z <VeraController:5:VeraController.js:1255> VeraController#vera sending action request [Object]{ "newTargetValue": "0", "DeviceNum": 10016, "id": "action", "serviceId": "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:DoorLock1", "action": "SetTarget" } [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.461Z <VeraController:5:VeraController.js:515> [VeraController:verarequest] requesting ([Object]{ }) [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.463Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action lock.set([Object]{ "state": false }) on Lock#vera>device_10016 succeededI tried to log an issue in Mantis Bug Tracker but I can't log in anymore?
Trying to understand what cause a local expresssion to be evaluated. I have read the manual but I am still not clear about it. Using the test rule below, I can see in the log that the rule is being automatically evaluated every time the temperature entity is changing. That is great...
What I am trying to understand is why the expression is not evaluated based on time as well since the "case" statement has time dependencies.
Any help would be appreciated
I have the following test rule:
eba6a3ea-ff61-4610-88c9-9b9864f11ff8-Screenshot 2025-01-21 095244.png
2d9c1ff5-7b73-4005-b324-9029c2709db9-Screenshot 2025-01-21 095302.png
Here is the expressioncode:
vFrom1 = "09:25:00", vFrom2 = "09:30:00", vFrom3 = "09:41:00", vTo = "10:55:00", # Get current time (format HH:MM:SS) vToDay = strftime("%H:%M:%S"), #Get current house temperature CurrentHouseTemp = getEntity( "hass>Thermostat2 " ).attributes.temperature_sensor.value, case when CurrentHouseTemp <= 19 and vToDay >= vFrom1 && vToDay <= vTo: "true1" # From1 when CurrentHouseTemp <= 20 and vToDay >= vFrom2 && vToDay <= vTo: "true2" # From2 when CurrentHouseTemp < 26 and vToDay >= vFrom3 && vToDay <= vTo: "true3" # From3 else "false" endAnd then MSR...
My first issue: I'm logged into the msr CT as reactor (I used the suggested username just to keep things simple as this is new space for me and I was high off my success of migrating HA over).
When I run
docker pull toggledbits/reactor:latest-amd64... it assigns the \reactor\ subdirectory where installed root ownership. I am absolutely logged in with the correct non-root user.
Second issue: I copied over the following folders:
When MSR loads, all of my Global Expressions are missing.
Third issue:
All controllers connect wonderfully (Hubitat, etc)... except HA.
After changing ownership of the logs to reactor again I can see this when MSR calls HA:
Yes, I created a fresh new long-lived access token for the MSR containerized install and updated the reactor.yaml config file correctly.
Honestly, all-in-all, for my total lack of expertise here I'm very pleased that I only have these three issues. But they are def blockers atm.
My RPi bare metal install of MSR hooked right up to the new HA and is humming along just fine (I used hostnames were possible and shuffled some IPs in other places so I wouldn't run into things later that were mapped incorrectly that I'd forgotten about.)
Proxmox 8.3.2 MSR lives in an Ubuntu 24.04 Proxmox container MSR is latest docker versionWhat else can I provide to those smarter than me here?
Reactor (Multi-hub) latest-24366-3de60836
Running on Proxmox 8 VM
Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Docker version 27.5.0, build a187fa5
Docker Compose version v2.32.3
Browsers being used on Mac OS Sequoia: Safari, Firefox also occurs with Safari on iPhone 16 Pro 18.2.1
This occurs on two different instances of MSR running at two different locations having the same environment detailed above.
When I select "Reactions->Create Reaction" I get an error window with a red “Runtime Error:” banner. Note that I can edit and save existing Reactions
Runtime Error:
You may report this error, but do not screen shot it. Copy-paste the complete text. Remember to include a description of the operation you were performing in as much detail as possible. Report using the Reactor Bug Tracker (in your left navigation) or at the SmartHome Community.
apt update, apt upgrade, reboot have been performed as well as
docker system prune -a
docker compose down
docker compose up -d
Many thanks in advance,
Build 21228 has been released. Docker images available from DockerHub as usual, and bare-metal packages here.
Home Assistant up to version 2021.8.6 supported; the online version of the manual will now state the current supported versions; Fix an error in OWMWeatherController that could cause it to stop updating; Unify the approach to entity filtering on all hub interface classes (controllers); this works for device entities only; it may be extended to other entities later; Improve error detail in messages for EzloController during auth phase; Add isRuleSet() and isRuleEnabled() functions to expressions extensions; Implement set action for lock and passage capabilities (makes them more easily scriptable in some cases); Fix a place in the UI where 24-hour time was not being displayed.I may have posted this in the wrong section. MSR running on Bare metal Debian bullseye. Both Openluup and MSR are on the same device (an Intel NUC) at IP Any suggestions as to where I go to resolve?
Happy new year, everyone! Hope all are well!
Looking for some pointers troubleshooting a slightly puzzling to me issue. When digging around on a different issue I noticed this happening regularly in the MSR logs:
[latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:50:07.630Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Garden lights on when the doors are open<SET> (rule-lb2h69nb:S) [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:50:07.630Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action power_switch.on on Switch#vera>device_20060 with [Object]{ } [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:50:07.630Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action power_switch.set on Switch#vera>device_20060 with [Object]{ "state": true } [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:50:07.670Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action power_switch.set([Object]{ "state": true }) on Switch#vera>device_20060 succeeded [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:50:07.671Z <Engine:INFO> Resuming reaction Garden lights on when the doors are open<SET> (rule-lb2h69nb:S) from step 1 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:50:07.672Z <Engine:NOTICE> Garden lights on when the doors are open<SET> delaying until 1736538787672<10/01/2025, 19:53:07> [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:50:19.595Z <Rule:INFO> Garden lights on when the doors are open (rule-lb2h69nb in Outside Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from SET to RESET! [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:52:16.506Z <Rule:INFO> Garden lights on when the doors are open (rule-lb2h69nb in Outside Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:52:16.515Z <Engine:INFO> [Engine]Engine#1 not enqueueing rule-lb2h69nb:S: already in queue with status 2 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:52:20.823Z <Rule:INFO> Garden lights on when the doors are open (rule-lb2h69nb in Outside Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from SET to RESET! [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:53:07.676Z <Engine:INFO> Resuming reaction Garden lights on when the doors are open<SET> (rule-lb2h69nb:S) from step 2 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:53:07.677Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action on Switch#vera>device_20060 with [Object]{ } [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:53:07.678Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action power_switch.set on Switch#vera>device_20060 with [Object]{ "state": false } [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:53:07.719Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action power_switch.set([Object]{ "state": false }) on Switch#vera>device_20060 succeeded [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:53:07.720Z <Engine:INFO> Resuming reaction Garden lights on when the doors are open<SET> (rule-lb2h69nb:S) from step 3 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:53:07.721Z <Engine:INFO> Garden lights on when the doors are open<SET> all actions completed. [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:04.468Z <VeraController:ERR> VeraController#vera update request failed: [FetchError] network timeout at: [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.646Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20050: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20050) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.646Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.646Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20050 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.656Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20570: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20570) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.656Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.656Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20570 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.678Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20610: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20610) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.679Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.679Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20610 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.744Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20631: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20631) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.744Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.744Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20631 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.889Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera reload detected! [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.910Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20050: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20050) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.910Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.910Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20050 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.935Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20570: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20570) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.936Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.936Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20570 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.937Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20610: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20610) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.937Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.937Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20610 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.939Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20631: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20631) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.939Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.939Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20631 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.968Z <Controller:INFO> VeraController#vera 0 dead entities older than 86400000s purged [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.037Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera reload detected!That repeats until something like this:
[latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.049Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20050: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20050) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.049Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.049Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20050 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.053Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20570: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20570) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.053Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.053Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20570 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.062Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20610: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20610) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.062Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.062Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20610 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.112Z <VeraController:WARN> VeraController#vera failed to apply attribute scene_activation.scene_id to Entity#vera>device_20631: [TypeError] Can't set NaN on attribute scene_activation.scene_id (vera>device_20631) [-] [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.112Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:10.113Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20631 [latest-24366]2025-01-10T20:00:05.003Z <Engine:INFO> [Engine]Engine#1 master timer tick, local time "10/01/2025 20:00:05" (TZ offset 0 mins from UTC) [latest-24366]2025-01-10T20:13:51.872Z <Rule:INFO> No motion in Cinema (rule-m4ocglke in Cinema Environment) evaluated; rule state transition from SET to RESET! [latest-24366]2025-01-10T20:13:51.882Z <Rule:INFO> Cinema Heater On (rule-m4ocf1di in Cinema Environment) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-24366]2025-01-10T20:13:51.888Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Cinema Heater On<SET>" (rule-m4ocf1di:S)And the errors / reloads just stop.
From Openluup:
2025-01-10 19:49:56.379 luup_log:63: BroadLink_Mk2 debug: RM3 Mini - IR 1: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:IrTransmitter:1 2025-01-10 19:50:00.085 luup_log:0: 14Mb, 1.7%cpu, 36.1days 2025-01-10 19:50:07.591 luup.variable_set:: 20160.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.KWH was: 18.6793008 now: 18.6805008 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.591 luup.variable_set:: 20160.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.KWHReading was: 1736538000 now: 1736538600 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.591 luup.variable_set:: 20160.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.Watts was: 7.4 now: 7.3 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.591 luup.variable_set:: 20170.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.KWH was: 32.2417984 now: 32.2470016 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.591 luup.variable_set:: 20170.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.KWHReading was: 1736538000 now: 1736538600 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.591 luup.variable_set:: 20330.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1.KWHReading was: 1736538000 now: 1736538600 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.592 luup.variable_set:: 20770.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.592 luup.variable_set:: 20770.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.LastTrip was: 1736534850 now: 1736538607 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.593 openLuup.server:: request completed (3392 bytes, 1 chunks, 12875 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c3299a9cf8 2025-01-10 19:50:07.618 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c3299a9cf8 2025-01-10 19:50:07.624 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c329d0a5b8 2025-01-10 19:50:07.624 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912906&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538607623 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c329d0a5b8 2025-01-10 19:50:07.632 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c3292ed678 2025-01-10 19:50:07.633 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?newTargetValue=1&DeviceNum=20060&id=action&serviceId=urn%3Aupnp-org%3AserviceId%3ASwitchPower1&action=SetTarget&output_format=json&_r=1736538607631 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c3 292ed678 2025-01-10 19:50:07.633 luup.call_action:: 20060.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.SetTarget 2025-01-10 19:50:07.633 luup.call_action:: action will be handled by parent: 37 2025-01-10 19:50:07.633 luup.variable_set:: 20060.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.Target was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:07.669 openLuup.server:: request completed (35 bytes, 1 chunks, 35 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c3292ed678 2025-01-10 19:50:07.673 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c3292ed678 2025-01-10 19:50:07.776 openLuup.server:: request completed (821 bytes, 1 chunks, 151 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c329d0a5b8 2025-01-10 19:50:07.784 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c329d0a5b8 2025-01-10 19:50:07.795 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c3287bc8f8 2025-01-10 19:50:07.796 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912907&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538607794 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c3287bc8f8 2025-01-10 19:50:08.644 luup.variable_set:: 20060.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1.Status was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:08.950 openLuup.server:: request completed (821 bytes, 1 chunks, 1154 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c3287bc8f8 2025-01-10 19:50:08.958 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c3287bc8f8 2025-01-10 19:50:08.969 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c3297e95a8 2025-01-10 19:50:08.970 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912908&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538608969 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c3297e95a8 2025-01-10 19:50:19.181 luup.variable_set:: 20770.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped was: 1 now: 0 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:19.585 openLuup.server:: request completed (832 bytes, 1 chunks, 10615 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c3297e95a8 2025-01-10 19:50:19.602 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c3297e95a8 2025-01-10 19:50:19.605 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c328d298a8 2025-01-10 19:50:19.605 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912909&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538619604 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c328d298a8 2025-01-10 19:50:34.950 openLuup.server:: request completed (593 bytes, 1 chunks, 15344 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c328d298a8 2025-01-10 19:50:34.953 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c328d298a8 2025-01-10 19:50:34.965 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c328c48a58 2025-01-10 19:50:34.966 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912909&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538634964 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c328c48a58 2025-01-10 19:50:34.989 luup.variable_set:: 25019.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:34.990 luup.variable_set:: 25019.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.LastTrip was: 1736534437 now: 1736538634 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:35.094 openLuup.server:: request completed (975 bytes, 1 chunks, 127 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c328c48a58 2025-01-10 19:50:35.101 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c328c48a58 2025-01-10 19:50:35.113 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c32985e298 2025-01-10 19:50:35.113 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912911&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538635111 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c32985e298 2025-01-10 19:50:40.255 luup.variable_set:: 25021.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:LightSensor1.CurrentLevel was: 0 now: 30 #hooks:1 2025-01-10 19:50:40.256 scheduler.watch_callback:: 25021.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:LightSensor1.CurrentLevel called [20]DataWatcherCallback() function: 0x55c3288a8d20 2025-01-10 19:50:40.460 openLuup.server:: request completed (835 bytes, 1 chunks, 5346 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c32985e298 2025-01-10 19:50:40.472 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c32985e298 2025-01-10 19:50:40.478 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c329b28238 2025-01-10 19:50:40.479 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912912&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538640478 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c329b28238 2025-01-10 19:50:44.471 luup.variable_set:: 25007.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:1 2025-01-10 19:50:44.472 luup.variable_set:: 25007.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.LastTrip was: 1736538400 now: 1736538644 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:50:44.472 scheduler.watch_callback:: 25007.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped called [20]DataWatcherCallback() function: 0x55c3288a8d20 2025-01-10 19:50:44.775 openLuup.server:: request completed (975 bytes, 1 chunks, 4296 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c329b28238 2025-01-10 19:50:44.775 openLuup.server:: request completed (975 bytes, 1 chunks, 4296 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c329b28238 2025-01-10 19:50:44.782 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c329b28238 2025-01-10 19:50:44.793 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c328f1e968 2025-01-10 19:50:44.793 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912914&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538644791 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c328f1e968 2025-01-10 19:51:00.122 openLuup.server:: request completed (593 bytes, 1 chunks, 15328 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c328f1e968 2025-01-10 19:51:00.125 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c328f1e968 2025-01-10 19:51:00.136 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c32995b318 2025-01-10 19:51:00.136 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912914&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538660134 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c32995b318 2025-01-10 19:51:15.481 openLuup.server:: request completed (593 bytes, 1 chunks, 15344 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c32995b318 2025-01-10 19:51:15.484 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c32995b318 2025-01-10 19:51:15.495 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c32998b068 2025-01-10 19:51:15.497 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912914&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538675493 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c32998b068 2025-01-10 19:51:30.869 openLuup.server:: request completed (593 bytes, 1 chunks, 15371 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c32998b068 2025-01-10 19:51:30.872 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c32998b068 2025-01-10 19:51:30.884 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c32905bda8 2025-01-10 19:51:30.885 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912914&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538690882 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c32905bda8 2025-01-10 19:51:32.886 luup.variable_set:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature was: 21 now: 22 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:51:33.090 openLuup.server:: request completed (841 bytes, 1 chunks, 2205 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c32905bda8 2025-01-10 19:51:33.100 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c32905bda8 2025-01-10 19:51:33.112 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c328de0d58 2025-01-10 19:51:33.112 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912915&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538693111 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c328de0d58 2025-01-10 19:51:36.064 luup.variable_set:: 25007.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped was: 1 now: 0 #hooks:1 2025-01-10 19:51:36.065 scheduler.watch_callback:: 25007.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped called [20]DataWatcherCallback() function: 0x55c3288a8d20 2025-01-10 19:51:36.369 openLuup.server:: request completed (832 bytes, 1 chunks, 3256 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c328de0d58 2025-01-10 19:51:36.377 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c328de0d58 2025-01-10 19:51:36.387 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c329054188 2025-01-10 19:51:36.388 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912916&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538696386 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c329054188 2025-01-10 19:51:37.134 luup.variable_set:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature was: 22 now: 21 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:51:37.540 openLuup.server:: request completed (841 bytes, 1 chunks, 1152 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c329054188 2025-01-10 19:51:37.553 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c329054188 2025-01-10 19:51:37.566 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c328d97568 2025-01-10 19:51:37.566 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912917&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538697564 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c328d97568 2025-01-10 19:51:41.367 luup.variable_set:: 20380.urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1.CurrentTemperature was: 21 now: 22 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:51:41.874 openLuup.server:: request completed (841 bytes, 1 chunks, 4307 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c328d97568 2025-01-10 19:51:41.884 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c328d97568 2025-01-10 19:51:41.895 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c329385678 2025-01-10 19:51:41.896 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912918&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538701894 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c329385678 2025-01-10 19:51:57.168 openLuup.server:: request completed (593 bytes, 1 chunks, 15272 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c329385678 2025-01-10 19:51:57.171 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c329385678 2025-01-10 19:51:57.183 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c329b092b8 2025-01-10 19:51:57.184 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912918&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538717182 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c329b092b8 2025-01-10 19:52:00.124 luup_log:0: 14Mb, 1.6%cpu, 36.1days 2025-01-10 19:52:00.476 openLuup.server:: request completed (1841 bytes, 1 chunks, 3292 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c329b092b8 2025-01-10 19:52:00.483 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c329b092b8 2025-01-10 19:52:00.495 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c3297be088 2025-01-10 19:52:00.495 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912929&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538720494 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c3297be088 2025-01-10 19:52:09.867 luup.variable_set:: 25021.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:LightSensor1.CurrentLevel was: 30 now: 0 #hooks:1 2025-01-10 19:52:09.868 scheduler.watch_callback:: 25021.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:LightSensor1.CurrentLevel called [20]DataWatcherCallback() function: 0x55c3288a8d20 2025-01-10 19:52:10.071 openLuup.server:: request completed (834 bytes, 1 chunks, 9575 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c3297be088 2025-01-10 19:52:10.079 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c3297be088 2025-01-10 19:52:10.088 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c329c16a08 2025-01-10 19:52:10.089 openLuup.server:: GET /data_request?id=status&Timeout=15&DataVersion=416912930&MinimumDelay=50&output_format=json&_r=1736538730087 HTTP/1.1 tcp{client}: 0x55c329c16a08 2025-01-10 19:52:16.194 luup.variable_set:: 20770.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.Tripped was: 0 now: 1 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:52:16.195 luup.variable_set:: 20770.urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1.LastTrip was: 1736538607 now: 1736538736 #hooks:0 2025-01-10 19:52:16.498 openLuup.server:: request completed (976 bytes, 1 chunks, 6409 ms) tcp{client}: 0x55c329c16a08 2025-01-10 19:52:16.515 HTTP:3480 connection closed openLuup.server.receive closed tcp{client}: 0x55c329c16a08 2025-01-10 19:52:16.516 HTTP:3480 connection from tcp{client}: 0x55c328dbad18Nothing I can see indicating that Openluup is reloading?
.249 IP address is the internal IP of the NUC that hosts both Openluup and MSR.
Any thoughts as to how I can troubleshoot this? It's not a big deal, but would like to get to the bottom of it.
I should add that all the devices listed in entries like this:
[latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.744Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera class scene_controller meta [Object]{ "source": "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1/sl_SceneActivated", "expr": "int(value)" } orig final NaN [latest-24366]2025-01-10T19:55:09.744Z <VeraController:CRIT> *Entity#vera>device_20631Are the tamper switches on Fibaro FGMS001 multifunction detectors, of which I have 4, and they correspond exactly to the devices listed.
I was looking at an old rule and I wanted to edit it, to add another Constraint, however I cannot seem to do it.
On this screen shot you can see an existing entry in the Constraints and on its pull down menu the "Changes" option is available.
However on the new line I just added I have no changes option in its pull down menu.
Here is the original now locked post about this topic.
If you look on the old screen shots on that post, I was using the "changes" operator. Like this:
However today when I edited this rule the operators are showing as == and not as changes on all the entries in the Constraints area.
Also the old entries now say -- and the value is blank. But on the new line I just added it says that is not valid, so not sure how the old lines are like that.
So I am a bit confused what happened.
@toggledbits I understand that you do not perform testing on Mac computers but thought I'd share the following with you in case something can be done.
I started seeing these errors with version 24302. I thought that upgrading to 24343 would have fixed the issue but unfortunately not. I either have to close the browser or clear the cache for the errors to stop popping-up but they slowly come back.
I see these errors on the following browsers:
Safari 16.6.1 on macOS Big Sur Safari 18.1.1 on MacOS Sonoma DuckDuckGo 1.118.0 on macOS Big Sur and Sonoma Firefox 133.0.3 on macOS Big Sur Chrome 131.0.6778 on macOS Big SurHere are the errors
Safari while creating/updating an expression
@ makeExprMenu@ @ @ each@ @ @ forEach@[native code] @ @ @ signalModified@ signalModified@ reindexExpressions@ @ dispatch@ while clicking on status asyncFunctionResume@[native code] saveGridLayout@[native code] dispatchEvent@[native code] _triggerEvent@ _triggerAddEvent@ makeWidget@ addWidget@ placeWidgetAdder@ while updating a rule
@ makeExprMenu@ @ @ each@ @ @ forEach@[native code] @ @ @ notifySaved@ notifySaved@ @ forEach@[native code] @ while creating/updating an expression
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getEditor') at RuleEditor.makeExprMenu ( at Object.handler ( at at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at MessageBus._sendToBus ( at MessageBus.send ( at ExpressionEditor.publish ( at ExpressionEditor.signalModified ( at ExpressionEditor.signalModified ( at ExpressionEditor.reindexExpressions ( ``Not sure that it is the same issue but just got this on built 24302 when running a reaction for testing purpose. Despite the error message, the reaction ran properly.
Error: Command timeout (195 start_reaction)
at _ClientAPI._commandTimeout (
1a3422eb-d760-4609-a740-a40d04a6bab2-Screenshot 2024-12-29 231851.png
Thanks to @toggledbits for adding a custom CSS. I've started doing a darker Reactor style.
Here's the file:
A couple of things are still too bright and I'll eventually catch-up. Just place it under your /config directory, naming the file as customstyles.css. Hard refresh your browser.
Multi-System Reactor Developer Preview AVAILABLE
Build 21081:
- 0000139: Unconfigured notification methods causing incomplete UI display/missing actions
- In the system
, one can now setname
to the name of the desired location for default weather (sometimes OpenWeatherMap comes up with some odd place names). The city name will be used by default. - Work on expression substitutions in conditions is feature-complete but not thoroughly tested yet. Note that substitutions are only permitted in Entity Attribute and Expression Value condition operands, and in about half of the condition options. The latter is very much by design, as the proper operation of the condition options requires a deterministic (stable, unchanging) value between evaluations for proper operation of the option in many cases (e.g. pulse timing and counts cannot be set by expression values).
- The evaluation context for rules is now more persistent, which allows a global expression that is referred to twice or more in a rule or other global expressions to be only evaluated once (previously, the global variable was evaluated on every reference, which could have side-effects for expressions used as counters, array-builders, etc.).
I've also closed/resolved a number of "wish list" PRs in Mantis. Rather than leaving these open until they are eventually dealt with, they are memorialized by the "suspended" resolution state. This makes it easy to search out the wish list (just search on resolution == suspended). These PRs can be re-opened when the time comes for work. Also, I'd like to see things bantered about in the community forums before they turn into wish-list PRs, if possible.
Build 21082:
- 0000140: Round-trip move of expression between rule and global and back doesn't manage state correctly
Work proceeding apace on the new alerts/trouble notification system.
Build 21084:
- 0000147 Issues (multiple) handling headers for request actions
- 0000146 Additional native capabilities for Hubitat (plus fixes to hs_color)
IMPORTANT: Please re-edit your Request action headers (if any) to get them into the new form, and correct at least one of the bugs related to the UI's contribution to the PR.
- Timing animations are now removed from disabled rules.
- Expression value changes in the Rule status detail card are now properly animated.
- A data corruption when dragging conditions between groups has been found and fixed.
- Improved error handling in the Request action, including the storage function (could throw an unhandled promise rejection when the target variable was in a disabled rule).
- The display of "Last Updated" on the Entities list was stalling; this was reported by somebody some time ago but I couldn't find the PR for it, forgot about it, and then noticed it again earlier today.
- Improve error handling around the loading of Notifier subclasses, and modify the API slightly to move some additional repetitious implementation up to the base class.
A couple more notes on Request action headers: the RFC (2616, Section 2.4 specifically) says that header (field) names are not case-sensitive. In my experience, this is true for 99% of servers you run into. And Murphy is on board (i.e. the server you want to use is guaranteed to be in the 1% remaining). MSR makes no assumption about the case of the header/field name. However, the underlying node-fetch implementation does, effectively converting all headers to lower case. This may cause problems on some servers, but it's the server that is not RFC-compliant, not node-fetch or MSR, so you are likely not to see a fix for this if you run into a server where it's a problem (I'm guessing it will be the hackish HTTP stack on some cheap WiFi-based microcontroller that rears its ugly head here).
The other thing is that the RFC allows a header to be specified multiple times, the net effect being a comma-separated list of header/field values in order of appearance. That is, specifying an "Accepts" header twice, once with "application/json" and another with "text/xml" would be handled (in compliance with the RFC) as "Accepts: application/json, text/xml". Unfortunately, node-fetch uses a JavaScript Map object for its underlying implementation of headers, and that only permits one value per key -- you can't have multiple "Accepts" headers, each subsequent will simply replace any prior. Probably a rare circumstance, but nonetheless, I have the MSR Request action storing the headers you provide in its own format, not the implementation form, and MSR can handle repeated header/field names; if you use this feature, MSR will simply do the work that the server would normally do to concatenate the same-named fields on its end, before handing the headers to node-fetch.
So, while I can't work around node-fetch's corruption/overrule of the header case, I can provide a workaround for the unfortunate choice of data structure in node-fetch's header implementation. Onward.
Build 21085:
- 0000149 HTTP Request action now has an additional checkbox to allow SSL connections to endpoints with invalid/self-signed certificates.
- 0000148 Inconsistency in EACH expression results
Tomorrow (Saturday 3/27) is an house/family IT day for me, so barring any serious problems that need an urgent fix, there will be no build (21086) tomorrow.
Build 21087:
- 0000151 "Sustained for" condition restarts count early
- 0000152 Constraints may case reset reaction to run unexpectedly
Build 21089:
- 0000153 Problem with magnitude comparisons when one operand was a string not containing a number
The SystemController's reactorsystem>system entity now reports disk space. The default is to report for the volume(s) on which Reactor is installed, but it's configurable. Refer to the docs. Work is continuing on alerts and status.
You will need to run
npm update
in the reactor directory after unpacking the archive! (This does not apply to Docker users; your updates are included in the image.) -
Build 21090:
- 0000155 Issue with second (and beyond) Vera controllers not getting x_vera_sys capability extended.
- 0000154 Improve dynamic updates of values in Rule editor, and extend to Expression and Rule conditions.
This version also previews the Status display still under development, and the Alerts system (which currently only provides alerts for controller online/offline and rule triggers and constraints; there are no alerts generated for problems with reactions or other subsystems yet). Since this is feature preview, discussion here is fine, but please don't open PRs for the Status page just yet.
Build 21091:
- 0000157 POST data not saved when editing reaction
- 0000156 Pulse mode output break has no countdown in rule status UI
Additional alerts added on the reaction side. Additional methods added to HTTP Request action. Minor UI tweaks and fixes ongoing.
Add Note -
Build 21092:
No PRs addressed today; several remain open with fixes in 21091 or earlier, waiting for OPs to verify.
Ongoing work on status and chasing reports that didn't end up as PRs today. I think everything under discussion is understood, if not yet completely resolved. A new notifier type "Alert" has been added, so you can add your own alerts to the system Status from your reactions (see below). Work ongoing getting more alerts where needed.
To configure the "Alert" notification type, see the "Alert" configuration addition (one line) in
or just add this line (the notification type currently has no configuration options):notification: Alert: {} <--- add this line # SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, for sending email) SMTP: # et cetera
Build 21093:
No PRs.
This release primarily addresses a failure on Hass caused by a breaking change in their WebSocket API between versions 2020.12.13 and 2021.3.4.
Build 21095:
No PRs.
But... this build addresses an issue on Hubitat that created a problem setting modes, updates lexpjs with some minor fixes. I was going to release a fix for 0000133 (need to save rule after creating expression to be able to use expression in condition or action) as well, but the changes snowballed into a bunch of other code cleanups and tweaks and I don't feel good about releasing them yet.
Also, with respect to the "Reset Latched" action (which is not implemented in MSR as an explicit action)... I'm opening that for debate, but if there are no compelling arguments for, I'm going to close the two related PRs (39 and 160) and move on.
Build 21096:
- 0000133 Must save rule to get newly-created rule expression to appear in "Expression Value" condition or "Set Variable" action pickers.
This version also has the first attempt at reaction status. You'd better have good eyes; most reactions that don't have delays or HTTP requests will finish in a few milliseconds, so they appear and disappear in a flash. The house mode entity on Vera now has a primary value.
EDIT: @LibraSun reminded me of something I forgot to mention. The rules editor (triggers and conditions) was not correctly storing the rule ID on Expression Value conditions and Set Variable expressions. If you had a global variable with the same name as a rule-based variable, and you had selected the global, a later edit would incorrectly load the selector with the rule-based name, rather than the global name. This is now fixed, but it has the effect of breaking existing conditions on local variables. You can fix this just by selecting the correct variable again and saving the rule, and it will be fixed forever more. As part of this fix, you can now also select variables in any rule (in addition to globals), where previously, you could only select those variables that were local to the rule you were editing. This should make some expression and rule forms much easier to write and maintain.
Build 21101:
- 0000164: Rules watching variables in other Rules not triggering
A number of UI cleanups and fixes, as well as some internal cleanups. Lots of time on longer-term items, so the pace of new builds will be reduced to only when PR fixes or new features are ready for release (still not more frequently than daily, but also not less than weekly, going forward).
Build 21104
- 0000166 Hubitat: extra state for Tibber energy (example) not available
- 0000167 Interval with days not editable
- 0000168 Exiting edit of global reaction jumps to status display
Home Assistant is supported up to new version 2021.4.4. The "period" attribute for the Sun Information entity has been added ("day" or "night"; primary attribute). The expressions now support urlencode() and urldecode() functions. A UI error thrown when attempting to add a ruleset has been fixed (no PR). Ongoing code and documentation work.
Build 21105:
- 0000174 Reaction that contains only comment should stop counter-reaction
- 0000173 Importer crashes on trange condition "between" op
- 0000170 Exception when running Hubitat action (native, it turns out)
- 0000165 Provide support for Hubitat custom actions from drivers
NOTE: Just discovered an issue. I'm going to respin this build. Stay tuned. If you haven't upgraded yet, don't.False alarm! All OK. Upgrade when ready! -
Build 21106:
- 0000177 Hubitat modes broken in 21105
Fixed an issue with (non-)presentation of the entity picker when clicked; fixed the bell click (broken by 0000168 fix); removed unused packages from configuration.
npm update --nosave
Build 21117
This build represents a significant update from previous builds. Principally, this build provides action groups in reactions, and action groups support constraints. So it now possible for the SET or RESET reactions in your rules to have conditionally-executed actions. This feature applies to rule-based reactions only; it is not a feature of global reactions (and for the removal of doubt, will not be in future). In addition, the following PRs are addressed:
- 0000186 Add quick-selects for weekends and weekdays to Week Day condition type.
- 0000184 Pushover now supports "device" parameter correctly.
- 0000180 Using left nav when active editor has no changes pending is now allowed.
- 0000179 Catch-all for a number of lexpjs (expression) fixes and enhancements.
This version also incorporates a lot of UI enhancements and cleanups; still much to do, though.
Also new, there are now three "official" Docker image builds available on DockerHub:
-- Generic Intel/AMD Linuxtoggledbits/reactor:latest-synology-amd64
-- Synology-specific (see more below)toggledbuts/reactor:latest-raspbian-armv7l
-- Raspian Buster (Raspberry Pi)
These Docker images can be downloaded using the usual
docker pull <imagename>
syntax.For all images, when creating the container you must map
to a local directory in which your Reactor configuration and storage files are located. You should also bind/etc/localtime
to the same-path file on your local system to get the correct timezone in the container. If this is not possible or does not correctly set the timezone for your container, the TZ environment variable should be set.Typical to run:
# For generic: docker run -d -p 8111:8111 -v /my/reactor/data:/var/reactor --mount type=bind,src=/etc/localtime,target=/etc/localtime toggledbits/reactor:latest-generic-amd64 # For Raspian: docker run -d -p 8111:8111 -v /my/reactor/data:/var/reactor -e TZ=America/New_York toggledbits/reactor:latest-raspbian-armv7l
I will no longer be making the manual-download image available for Synology. Upgrading from the previous manual-download image is not a straight line, but can be done pretty quickly and without losing your configuration and other data. It's basically a redo of the original install. The steps are as follows:
- Stop the existing container (under Containers in the Synology Docker app).
- Make a note of where your current config/storage data is stored on the NAS. You can find this by clicking on the container row, then clicking the "Details" button. Click the "Volume" tab on the details dialog, and note the path associated with
. Copy-paste this to a safe location or write it down. Close the dialog. - Click on the container row and choose "Delete" from the Actions dropdown menu.
- Go to the Image tab and delete the
image. - Go to the Repository tab and search for "toggledbits". The
entry should be listed in the results. - Click the entry row and then click "Download".
- Once the image has downloaded, select the image in the Image tab and click "Launch".
- Leave the defaults on the "General Settings" dialog, and click the "Advanced Settings" button.
- On the Advanced Settings dialog, click "Enable auto-restart".
- Click the "Volume" tab, and then "Add Folder". Select the directory you saved in step 2 above (where your data and config files are stored); for the mount path, enter exactly
. - Click the "Port Settings" tab, and change the "Auto" to 8111 under "Local Port".
- Click the "Environment" tab, and then "+" to add an environment variable. Name it "TZ" (caps), and then set the value to the name of your local time zone. Typically these are "Area/Locale", like "America/New_York". A full list is here:
- Hit the Apply button and it will put you back on the General Settings dialog. Hit "Next" and then "Apply" (the checkbox to start the container should be checked already), and the container should start.
- Access the container via your NAS' IP address on port 8111.
Here's a sample docker-compose file. You'll need to modify it to have the correct image tag and directory where your data are stored.
# Multi-System Reactor template docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: web: container_name: reactor environment: REACTOR_DATA_PREFIX: /var/reactor # Change the image below to the one you are using, if necessary. image: toggledbits/reactor:latest-generic-amd64 restart: always network_mode: "bridge" expose: - 8111 ports: - 8111:8111 # Modify the first entry below (only before the colon; do not modify the rest) # to the path where you want config/data stored. Make sure the directory # exists before starting the container. volumes: - /my/reactor/data:/var/reactor - type: bind source: /etc/localtime target: /etc/localtime read_only: true tmpfs: /tmp logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-file: 5 max-size: 2m
Build 21118
- 0000190 Validation sync issue between group and children on reaction with constraint
- 0000191 Two or more groups with constraints will stomp on each other
Build 21120
- 0000193 Rule and expression state problem can cause reset reaction run on edit/save
- 0000195 Reload of expression value condition in action group constraint fails with JS error
- 0000198 (Vera) Siren1 device type doesn't have MSR power_switch capability
Docker users can pull the updated images from DockerHub.
Synology Docker users, you can either upgrade using the Docker app, which I find a bit cumbersome (there's no "Update/Download Again" for existing images in the app), or do the following:
- Stop the container in the Docker app.
- Log in to your NAS via SSH.
- Pull the new image by running
sudo docker pull toggledbits/reaction:latest-synology-amd64
- Clear the container (in the Docker app, select the container, then "Clear" from "Actions").
- Start the container.
Build 21123
- 0000084 Ruleset click-to-expand needs visual cue (also done for reactions and entities with similar behavior)
- 0000199 (Hass) Cover device missing position MSR capability/attribute (Hass-native was available, however)
The range operator '..' (e.g. 1..10) is now available in expressions and produces an array.