I wanna answer your question so badly, but fear my input at this juncture would be invalid since I no longer have a use-case for MSR. Oh, it's still running 24/7 in a Docker container over on my Synology NAS... but once I finalized the transition from Vera over to Hubitat (THANK YOU 1000x @toggledbits !), and ported all my my old logic into my new C7 hub, my "fiddling" days abruptly ended.
Do I still have Rulesets in place (but disabled) on MSR Reactor (Multi-hub) latest-21307-1746e27? Yep. Are the Rules they contain worth mentioning, since 49% involved Vera and 49% were extremely/overly experimental in nature, with 2% marked for "Testing"? Nope.
And did I ever try to Register another username on the old long-forgotten ezlo Forum after being excommunicated 4x? AW HELL NAW!
But I will mention that MSR comes to mind periodically, such as earlier today, when I realized Hubitat lacks a native way to generate and send email messages to its users. And at other times when I delve into heavyweight plug-ins (the HE community calls them User Apps) like WebCore, I think to myself, "Hot damn, this would be waaaay easier to accomplish over in MSR."
Mostly, I'm posting this reply just to SAY HI TO THE GANG, whom I miss, and to let you guys know that all of the time (Vera tweaking) and headaches (ezlo PTSD) I've spared myself over the past year was invested in buying and riding a new electric bike (the Priority Current with Enviolo CVT), so now I know what the outdoors looks like.
PEACE and lemme know if my answer here raised more questions.
- Libra