Following on from my last thread, some progress has been made over the weekend.
With 18G of spanky RAM in my Synology DS224+. I've jumped into the murky world of virtualisation and already eliminated the need for two Raspberry Pi's from my system.
Home Assistant: In theory they provide an OVA file which is supported by the Synology. I couldn't get it to work, however, so grabbed a copy of the .img file they supply, renamed it .iso and imported it as a VM. Restored from my full back up and that all seems fantastic.
Minidnla Music server: Trivial. Grabbed a Debian .iso for Bookworm and copied that onto the NAS. Created a new machine which mirrored the specs of the Raspberry Pi, booted from the ISO then did an expert install. Once that was all stable with a basic core of stuff and networking, I've made a copy of that as a good base system. Then fired up minidnla on it, mounted my media and that's also woking. Not bad for a short weekend's work.
Still not sure about the main NUC though. I'm thinking of buying a new USB stick so I can mess around getting it working on the Synology before I do anything drastic.
Once that hurdle is sorted I'm torn between:
Using a brand new install of Bookworm, re-installing Z-way server, OpenLuup, AltUI, MSR and HA bridge, then restoring across or Making an ISO of the current system, importing that and upgrading in place (which will be pretty risk free since I can snapshot everything before I make any changes.)Decisions, decisions.
Morning, experts. Hard on learning about the internet check script in MSR tools, I was wondering what suggestions anyone has about a local (i.e. non-internet dependent) notification method.
This was prompted by yesterday's fun and games with my ISP.
I've got the script Cronned and working properly but short of flashing a light on and off, I'm struggling to think of a way of alerting me (ideally to my phone)
I guess I could set up a Discord server at home, but that feels like overkill for a rare occasion. Any other suggestions?
Hi everyone. Thanks for all your input recently on the topic of local notifications. I think we got some really interesting solutions 🙂
Back to more prosaic matters. Most of you will know that I've been messing around with this stuff for some years. My last major change was when I migrated from Vera, which was something like 4-5 years ago.
While my system has grown, it's not really altered very regularly, although I try to keep most of it kind of up to date.
Current set up:
Intel NUC that runs:
Bare metal install of Debian
Z-way server with USB stick
Multi system reactor
HA Bridge
Raspberry Pi
Running Home Assistant
About 40 varied Z-wave and Wifi devices
I also have a Synology DS224+ which may inform some responses.
Home Assistant recovery is pretty simple. I get a full backup of the system every night dumped onto my SAN and I know from experience that it would simply be a case of booting up a new install and feeding it the backup.
The NUC on the other hand....
Coming from a commercial IT world, I am becoming more and more conscious that I don't really feel I have a suitable disaster recovery plan, and my core system is running on hardware heading for 10 years old.
My initial thought, which I've kept putting off as it's awkward would be to grab a nice SSD, reboot the NUC into Mint or something similar and simply do a dd copy onto a new drive. I can get a replacement NUC on ebay simply enough, and keep it in a cupboard if anything other than the hard drive fails on the existing one, but this feels rather like a stop gap. However one immediate question:
If I had to use the replacement NUC would all the Z-wave devices simply carry on talking to the stick, or would they all need to be re-paired?
How easy would it be to move everything the NUC does (as a start) onto the NAS? Create a VM and clone the disc onto it?
Should I move to Docker? Something else?
What are the hive mind's thoughts?
Apologies if we've done this before, but while it all just works...
Morning world. Looking for some thoughts on recent experience 🙂
Yesterday my ISP had something of a catastrophic failure (in theory not yet fixed but seems OK for now)
While this is annoying for several reasons, one thing that I wasn't expecting was for AltUI to become pretty much un-usable.
Unless I have a tab already open and active, connecting to the Home page is pretty much random / impossible, just presenting with a white page and (sometimes) 'Waiting for initial data' on the bottom. Everything works (i.e. where I have controllers or Reactions I can trigger, they function flawlessly) it's just something of a pain since 99.9% of my control is via Alexa now, and not being able to access devices in AltUI makes things like turning some lights of a bit tricky 😉
I suspect that this is due to AltUI trying to pull licence info and Weather data, and failing. What I should do is probably access the OpelLuup console direct and see if that works better in future.
Does that make sense to anyone, or am I completely off track?
Hi all. First post so please be gentle.
I have an Eachen two-gang smart wall switch wired no neutral (with capacitor) connected to existing bathroom lights which works perfectly. It's also wired to a Sonoff Mini R4 Extreme connected to LED lights. I want the LED lights to switch on when the bathroom lights switch on (and vice versa). The Mini R4 works separately on my phone via Ewelink as well as on the Mini R4 itself (physical button). The switch is installed inside the wall and the rest of the components are in the ceiling / attic / roof cavity. The Mini R4 is set to Edge switch mode which works in my example I wired.
How I wired it:
I have a video showcasing the example I wired today works. I could share it if required. Ignore the white cable. I only used it to power the example.
The wiring diagram I used for the mini R4.
I wired it together with the existing lights of the bathroom so that L1 switches on both the Mini R4 and the bathroom lights:
This is the wiring diagram for the Eachen switch:
The Eachen's first gang (L1) doesn't trigger the Mini R4 in any way.
Any help or advice will be much appreciated.
I'm trying to integrate the sonos-mqtt ( with the MSR and it's coming along nicely so far.
But cannot wrap my head around how to define custom capabilities in MQTT templates. I need this for the TTS announcements and similarly for the notification sounds where I would pass the sound file as parameter.
So this is what I have in the local_mqtt_devices.yaml
capabilities: x_sonos_announcement: attributes: actions: speak: arguments: text: type: string volume: type: int delay: type: intAnd this is the template:
templates: sonos-announcement: capabilities: - x_sonos_announcement actions: x_sonos_announcement: speak: topic: "sonos/cmd/speak" payload: expr: > { "text": parameters.text, "volume": parameters.volume, "delayMs": parameters.delay, "onlyWhenPlaying": false, "engine": "neural" } type: jsonSo the speak action should send something like this to topic sonos/cmd/speak
{ "text": "message goes here", "volume": 50, "delayMs": 100, "onlyWhenPlaying": false, "engine": "neural" }At startup the MSR seems to be quite unhappy with my configuration:
reactor | [latest-25016]2025-02-09T08:19:59.029Z <MQTTController:WARN> MQTTController#mqtt entity Entity#mqtt>sonos-announcement unable to configure capabilities [Array][ "x_sonos_announcement" ] reactor | i18n: missing fi-FI language string: Configuration for {0:q} is incomplete because the following requested capabilities are undefined: {1} reactor | i18n: missing fi-FI language string: Configuration for {0:q} has unrecognized capability {1:q} in actions reactor | Trace: Configuration for {0:q} is incomplete because the following requested capabilities are undefined: {1} reactor | at _T (/opt/reactor/server/lib/i18n.js:611:28) reactor | at AlertManager.addAlert (/opt/reactor/server/lib/AlertManager.js:125:25) reactor | at MQTTController.sendWarning (/opt/reactor/server/lib/Controller.js:627:30) reactor | at MQTTController.start (/var/reactor/ext/MQTTController/MQTTController.js:268:26) reactor | at async Promise.allSettled (index 0) Configuration for "sonos-announcement" has unrecognized capability "x_sonos_announcement" in actions Controller: MQTTController#mqtt Last 10:21:37 AM Configuration for "sonos-announcement" is incomplete because the following requested capabilities are undefined: x_sonos_announcement Controller: MQTTController#mqtt Last 10:21:37 AMThis is probably a pretty stupid question and the approach may not even work at all, but maybe someone or @toggledbits for sure, could point me to the right direction.
Basically the idea is to be able to send TTS messages from reactions using entity actions. I've previously used HTTP requests to Sonos HTTP API ( for the same functionality, but since moving to sonos-mqtt, I need a way to send the TTS notifications using MQTTController. Along with the actual message, volume and delay must also be parameterizable.
MSR latest-25016-d47fea38 / MQTTController [0.2.24293]
Hi, @toggledbits
I just noticed that following a reboot of my raspberry pi, some of the rules, that I was expecting to recover, are not catching up following a reboot. I have made a simple test rule (rule-m6rz6ol1) with only "after Date/time" as trigger and "turn on a lamp" as a set reaction. All my infrastructure is on the same board so Reactor, Hass, Zwavejs, ... are all rebooting.
Here is the sequence of the test case (All time converted to Zulu to match logs):
Rule "after Date/Time" set to 14:05:00z Shutdown on Raspberry Pi at 14:04:00z Power back up at 14:08:00z Rule overview shows true as of 14:08:14z waiting for 00:00:00 in GUIFrom the log I can see that MSR is picking up the rule and knows that the state of the rule has changed from false to true and tries to send the update to HASS but failed with websocket error.
Here is what I see from the log:
14:04:04z shutdown complete 14:08:08z Power up 14:08:13.111z websocket connection 14:08:15:323z Reaction to the light failed, Websocket not opened After there is a series of websocket connection attempt until 14:08:51z where it seemed to be really ready.Back in 2021 we had a discussion ( and you proposed to add a startup_delay:xxxx and startup_wait:xxxx parameter in the engine section of "reactor.yaml". When I try the startup_delay (this used to be a hard delay), the engine failed to start (I think). I then try the startup_wait:xxxx without any success. Since it wait for the connection status to be up to cancel the delay, it does not do anyting since Hass is reporting the socket up without really being up ( I think...).
Did I figured it all wrong? should the startup_delay:xxxxx have worked? Any ideas?Here is the log:
OK now I am stuck. I did add the log but when I submit the editor complained saying that I am limited to 32767 characters. The log from the shutdown to the time the websocket is stable is about 300000 character long. What are my options?
Not a big issue simply a request if easily doable.
The MSR logs files inside the container are owned by root witch is fine however, the permissions are very restrictive. I do not know if there is something wrong with my installation but the logs permission are set to 222 (write only). Even if the docker volume is set for Read/Write the log files are retaining these values.
I go around the problem by doing a chmod 777 on all reactor logs but every time there is an MSR log rotation the permissions are set back to 222. So unless the permission are implemented in the container there is no permanent solution to this (that I know of).
I do not know much about Docker container so I do not know what is involved here.
Can the logfiles permission be simply chaged in the container to at least allow "other" read permission?
Could the MSR log rotation routine implement a chmod to set the permission?
Just a small anoyance
@toggledbits In the MSR documentation, under Standard Capabilities, I noticed that the
button.since attribute was deprecated as of version 22256 and the metadata is the preferred way to access the last-modified time of an attribute.
Am I reading this right? Should I stop using it in my rules?
When on my bare metal RPi with MSR I had a rule that ran every minute to check Internet status via a script in MSR called
I've moved to containerized MSR and see in the instructions that this cannot be run from the container.
The script cannot run within the Reactor docker container. If you are using Reactor in a docker container, the script needs to be run by cron or an equivalent facility on the host system (e.g. some systems, like Synology NAS, have separate task managers that may be used to schedule the repeated execution of tasks such as this).
I've put a script on my container host that calls the script and it isn't erroring... but I still see the internet status within MSR as null.
Before I go diving down the rabbit hole... should this work?
My cronjob on the proxmox host:
The contents of
Just bought a couple of generic smart plugs and set them up easily using SmartLife app in the house I then plugged one into a workshop over 100m away This workshop has a hardwired internet connection with a separate wireless access router (not mesh) after doing a reset on the device and pairing to the new router it actually works from the house when my phone is connected to a completely separate wifi network - how is that possible ?
I did read something about these devices connecting to a server somewhere in China similar to IP cameras but there is no lag
I need to replace about 15 traditional wall light switches (no neutral wire) to turn on/off all lights with one operation inside the warehouse. And still maintain the ability to control each light individually.
The preference is not to set up a Wifi for each switch to reduce the number of devices connected to the network, and also, they change the Wifi password regularly, so they do not want to change all 15 switches.
I am looking for some solution that will achieve this with either Bluetooth/RF or any other technology.
The warehouse dimensions are about 100ftx100ft with sheetrock walls.
Please assist.
Background: this is a Windows MSR install I've done for our local pool/amenity center just to run some fans and lights (not my daily driver at home). Install went perfectly fine.
Scenario: I want the lights to go on when it's dark enough (even if during a storm, not just after sunset) so I'm using solarRadiation from my weather station to drive that Trigger. Easy stuff.
Issue: sometimes, someone goes in the office and just starts flipping switches and the result can be lights turned on in the daytime or off at night. I'm trying to create a "catch-all" wherein if it is daytime and the lights somehow find their way ON, they will turn themselves back OFF.
I have the following Reaction built:
I also have this Reaction for opposite, ie the lights find themselves turned off after dark and they will turn themselves back on:
Here are my two rules:
288cba86-f941-4157-86d9-d8e7487905f7-image.png *NOTE that in my manual testing, ie I turn on the light switch at the incorrect time, when the solarRadiation level changes the Lights ON rule flags and shows as SET. On the next change of solarRadiation it goes back to reset again.
My expectation is that Lights OFF rule should see the lights are on, the solarRadiation is above the set limit, and turn them off. Instead, every other run, the ON rule moves to SET and then reset again on the following run.
Logs appear angry:
[latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:31.696Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights ON<RESET>" (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:31.712Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights ON<RESET> (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:31.713Z <Engine:INFO> Lights ON<RESET> all actions completed. [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.565Z <wsapi:INFO> client "" closed, code=1001, reason= [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.753Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/lang [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.754Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/lang from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/lang ACL (#7): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/lang", "allow": true, "index": 7 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.790Z <wsapi:INFO> wsapi: connection from ::ffff: [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:42.839Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 client "" authorized [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:43.353Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:43.353Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/systime from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/systime ACL (#5): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/systime", "allow": true, "index": 5 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.146Z <wsapi:INFO> client "" closed, code=1001, reason= [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.308Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/lang [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.309Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/lang from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/lang ACL (#7): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/lang", "allow": true, "index": 7 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.346Z <wsapi:INFO> wsapi: connection from ::ffff: [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:48.390Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 client "" authorized [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:49.412Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:49.413Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/systime from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/systime ACL (#5): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/systime", "allow": true, "index": 5 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.734Z <wsapi:INFO> client "" closed, code=1001, reason= [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.891Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/lang [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.892Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/lang from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/lang ACL (#7): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/lang", "allow": true, "index": 7 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.925Z <wsapi:INFO> wsapi: connection from ::ffff: [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:52.965Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 client "" authorized [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:54.383Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 API request from ::ffff: GET /api/v1/systime [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:03:54.384Z <httpapi:INFO> [HTTPAPI]#1 request for /api/v1/systime from ::ffff: user anonymous auth none matches /api/v1/systime ACL (#5): [Object]{ "url": "/api/v1/systime", "allow": true, "index": 5 } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:01.590Z <wsapi:INFO> [WSAPI]wsapi#1 rpc_echo [Object]{ "comment": "UI activity" } [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.646Z <Rule:INFO> Lights OFF (rule-m6e33ja3 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.656Z <Rule:INFO> Lights ON (rule-m6e4ajh7 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from RESET to SET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.663Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights OFF<SET>" (rule-m6e33ja3:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.665Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights ON<SET>" (rule-m6e4ajh7:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.668Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights OFF<SET> (rule-m6e33ja3:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.669Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights ON<SET> (rule-m6e4ajh7:S) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.669Z <Engine:INFO> Lights ON<SET> all actions completed. [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.675Z <Rule:INFO> Lights OFF (rule-m6e33ja3 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from SET to RESET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.680Z <Engine:NOTICE> ReactionHistory: no entry for [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.683Z <Engine:NOTICE> [Engine]Engine#1 entry 256 reaction rule-m6e33ja3:S-1q2f1j0p: [Error] terminated [parent terminating] [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.683Z <Engine:CRIT> Error: terminated [parent terminating] Error: terminated at Engine._process_reaction_queue (C:\Users\Jalan\msr\reactor\server\lib\Engine.js:1644:47) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.699Z <Engine:NOTICE> [Engine]Engine#1 entry 254 reaction rule-m6e33ja3:S: [Error] terminated [preempted by rule state change] [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.699Z <Engine:CRIT> Error: terminated [preempted by rule state change] Error: terminated at Engine._process_reaction_queue (C:\Users\Jalan\msr\reactor\server\lib\Engine.js:1644:47) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.700Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights OFF<RESET>" (rule-m6e33ja3:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.704Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights OFF<RESET> (rule-m6e33ja3:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:04:39.705Z <Engine:INFO> Lights OFF<RESET> all actions completed. [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.822Z <Rule:INFO> Lights ON (rule-m6e4ajh7 in Atrium Lights) evaluated; rule state transition from SET to RESET! [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.831Z <Engine:INFO> Enqueueing "Lights ON<RESET>" (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.847Z <Engine:NOTICE> Starting reaction Lights ON<RESET> (rule-m6e4ajh7:R) [latest-25016]2025-01-26T22:05:48.847Z <Engine:INFO> Lights ON<RESET> all actions completed.Hi @toggledbits
I found this very old post that talked about a way to limit device reading to avoid the throttled problem, because it's not a question of logic, it's that the device actually sends a lot of information, in my case the NUT ups installed in HE.
It mentions engine section of reactor.yaml by setting update_rate_limit, but I looked in the current MSR documentation and I can't find this information, so I don't know if it's still valid, its effect and parameters.
My situation is simple, when I have a UPS problem the NUT is sending dozens of reports per second and then I have the throttled problem. The same rule applies when the power is normal.
This is the rule, and the parameter that fails is the Tripp Lite UPS status.
All error is the same scenario.
[latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.753Z <Rule:WARN> (13) NUT Disconected (rule-l4djr0p7 in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.756Z <Rule:WARN> (27) Falta de Energia (rule-l4h9ceod in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.769Z <Rule:WARN> (73) UPS Battery Low (rule-l4hj850o in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.772Z <Rule:WARN> (74) UPS Comm Fail (rule-l4kbs5cp in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttlin> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.776Z <Rule:WARN> (76) UPS Utility Back (rule-l4hjhs6m in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.780Z <Rule:WARN> UPS On Battery (rule-l4hjuka5 in Datacenter) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttling> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:32.781Z <Rule:WARN> UPS Info (rule-l4gheo63 in Datacenter) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttling... [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.757Z <Rule:WARN> (13) NUT Disconected (rule-l4djr0p7 in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.759Z <Rule:WARN> (27) Falta de Energia (rule-l4h9ceod in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.776Z <Rule:WARN> (73) UPS Battery Low (rule-l4hj850o in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttl> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.777Z <Rule:WARN> (74) UPS Comm Fail (rule-l4kbs5cp in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Throttlin> [latest-25016]2025-01-23T12:01:40.778Z <Rule:WARN> (76) UPS Utility Back (rule-l4hjhs6m in Warning) update rate 121/min exceeds limit (120/min)! Logic loop? Thrott>Thanks.
Hello -
Long time. Hope everyone is good.
I have a rule that looks at a number of temperature sensors around the house. It simply sends a general alert if any of them fall below their threshold. (A basic “House is too cold” alert for when we’re away)
Generally, this has worked well. But I was wondering if there’s a way to make the message somewhat dynamic without creating separate rules for each sensor.
E.g. “House is too cold due to Sump Temperature below 45 degrees.”
I thought I remember reading about someone doing this in the past but couldn’t find it.
Thanks for any ideas!
After upgrade from 24366 to 25016 toggle on Vera (openLuup) lock entity doesn't seem to work.
VeraController log level 5
[latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.457Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action toggle.toggle on Lock#vera>device_10016 with [Object]{ } [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.458Z <VeraController:5:VeraController.js:1210> VeraController#vera no configured implementation for toggle.toggle on Lock#vera>device_10016; calling super [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.458Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera perform action lock.set on Lock#vera>device_10016 with [Object]{ "state": false } [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.461Z <VeraController:5:VeraController.js:1255> VeraController#vera sending action request [Object]{ "newTargetValue": "0", "DeviceNum": 10016, "id": "action", "serviceId": "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:DoorLock1", "action": "SetTarget" } [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.461Z <VeraController:5:VeraController.js:515> [VeraController:verarequest] requesting ([Object]{ }) [latest-25016]2025-01-20T20:30:25.463Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera action lock.set([Object]{ "state": false }) on Lock#vera>device_10016 succeededI tried to log an issue in Mantis Bug Tracker but I can't log in anymore?
Trying to understand what cause a local expresssion to be evaluated. I have read the manual but I am still not clear about it. Using the test rule below, I can see in the log that the rule is being automatically evaluated every time the temperature entity is changing. That is great...
What I am trying to understand is why the expression is not evaluated based on time as well since the "case" statement has time dependencies.
Any help would be appreciated
I have the following test rule:
eba6a3ea-ff61-4610-88c9-9b9864f11ff8-Screenshot 2025-01-21 095244.png
2d9c1ff5-7b73-4005-b324-9029c2709db9-Screenshot 2025-01-21 095302.png
Here is the expressioncode:
vFrom1 = "09:25:00", vFrom2 = "09:30:00", vFrom3 = "09:41:00", vTo = "10:55:00", # Get current time (format HH:MM:SS) vToDay = strftime("%H:%M:%S"), #Get current house temperature CurrentHouseTemp = getEntity( "hass>Thermostat2 " ).attributes.temperature_sensor.value, case when CurrentHouseTemp <= 19 and vToDay >= vFrom1 && vToDay <= vTo: "true1" # From1 when CurrentHouseTemp <= 20 and vToDay >= vFrom2 && vToDay <= vTo: "true2" # From2 when CurrentHouseTemp < 26 and vToDay >= vFrom3 && vToDay <= vTo: "true3" # From3 else "false" endI’ve set up an automation in Apple Home to turn on the lights when the first person arrives. However, the lights also turn on when I leave for work. It seems like the automation is triggered when I cross the geofence, whether arriving or leaving.
I’m using Matter-compatible Tapo smart plugs. Is there a way to fix this behavior?
I started home automation in 2013 and using Vera controllers from the start. When Reactor plugin became available (super plugin of @toggledbits !!) I transferred all scenes to Reactor.
I must say everything here works still okay and I have a lot of devices, plugins and Reactors. But I fear at some point my Vera's will stop working.
I recognize many of your names here from the Vera forum. I also was banned a couple of years ago.
Recently I decided to switch to Home Assistant. I already transferred some of my zwave devices from Vera to HA and made some new automations.
I must say HA is great and with huge amount of integrations, add-ons, the HACS store and many examples (like blueprints) the opportunites to increase home automation are huge.
HA will be for sure my central system (incl UI)
But... the learning curve is quite steap (YAML is completely different from Lua/luup).
So for the time being I will keep my most complex Reactor automations.
I already found how I can connect/integrate Vera for binairy sensors via webhooks (as an example: changes in my home modes are directly send from Vera to HA).
Now I also want to use some data like sensors or Reactor variables automatically to HA via https requests (put those in Reactor).
I know I can create virtual sensors in HA via templates.
As an example: I have my own PWS with a rainmeter. In Reactor I compare the amount of rain (in mm) in the actual year with historical figures (past 15 years) and calculate the difference actual vs history in % Every day at 0.00h these figures are updated. I defined variables in Reactor and use Multistring plugin (Variable container) to show the data.
I know several specialists in coding with experience in both Vera and HA are active here on this forum.
Who can help me with this ?
And then MSR...
My first issue: I'm logged into the msr CT as reactor (I used the suggested username just to keep things simple as this is new space for me and I was high off my success of migrating HA over).
When I run
docker pull toggledbits/reactor:latest-amd64... it assigns the \reactor\ subdirectory where installed root ownership. I am absolutely logged in with the correct non-root user.
Second issue: I copied over the following folders:
When MSR loads, all of my Global Expressions are missing.
Third issue:
All controllers connect wonderfully (Hubitat, etc)... except HA.
After changing ownership of the logs to reactor again I can see this when MSR calls HA:
Yes, I created a fresh new long-lived access token for the MSR containerized install and updated the reactor.yaml config file correctly.
Honestly, all-in-all, for my total lack of expertise here I'm very pleased that I only have these three issues. But they are def blockers atm.
My RPi bare metal install of MSR hooked right up to the new HA and is humming along just fine (I used hostnames were possible and shuffled some IPs in other places so I wouldn't run into things later that were mapped incorrectly that I'd forgotten about.)
Proxmox 8.3.2 MSR lives in an Ubuntu 24.04 Proxmox container MSR is latest docker versionWhat else can I provide to those smarter than me here?
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits
ok.... I cut the power and restarted the pie and msr got up by it self!!Coool!
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitatok... what does that line do?
got this
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl enable reactor
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ \u2192 /etc/systemd/system/reactor.service.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits said in Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat:
ExecStart=/home/pi/.local/lib/nodejs/node-v14.15.4-linux-armv7l/bin/node app -p
Changed it and now i can reach msr thrue UI!
Here is the reactor.log
2021-09-06T21:05:42.633Z app:null Reactor "1.0.1-21243-ab6d917" starting on v14.15.4
2021-09-06T21:05:42.636Z app:INFO Process ID 1780; platform linux/arm #1408 SMP Mon Mar 22 12:49:24 GMT 2021; locale [ "sv-SE", "UTF-8" ]
2021-09-06T21:05:42.637Z app:INFO Basedir /home/pi/reactor; data in /home/pi/reactor/storage
2021-09-06T21:05:42.637Z app:INFO NODE_PATH /home/pi/reactor; module paths [ "/home/pi/reactor/node_modules", "/home/pi/node_modules", "/home/node_modules", "/node_modules" ]
2021-09-06T21:05:42.781Z Plugin:null Module Plugin v21173
2021-09-06T21:05:42.797Z default:INFO Module Entity v21177
2021-09-06T21:05:42.805Z Controller:null Module Controller v21226
2021-09-06T21:05:42.806Z default:null Module Structure v21229
2021-09-06T21:05:42.822Z default:null Module Ruleset v21096
2021-09-06T21:05:42.823Z default:null Module Rulesets v21096
2021-09-06T21:05:42.869Z default:null Module Rule v21224
2021-09-06T21:05:42.880Z default:null Module Engine v21213
2021-09-06T21:05:42.881Z default:null Module httpapi v21238
2021-09-06T21:05:42.886Z default:null Module httpproxy v21054
2021-09-06T21:05:42.925Z default:null Module wsapi v21196
2021-09-06T21:05:42.928Z app:NOTICE Starting Structure...
2021-09-06T21:05:42.936Z Structure:INFO Structure#1 starting controller interface vera (VeraController)
2021-09-06T21:05:42.944Z Structure:INFO Structure#1 starting controller interface hubitat (HubitatController)
2021-09-06T21:05:42.947Z Structure:INFO Structure#1 starting controller interface reactor_system (SystemController)
2021-09-06T21:05:43.018Z default:null Module VeraController v21236
2021-09-06T21:05:43.026Z default:null Module HubitatController v21243
2021-09-06T21:05:43.029Z default:null Module SystemController v21102
2021-09-06T21:05:43.037Z VeraController:NOTICE VeraController#vera starting
2021-09-06T21:05:43.145Z VeraController:INFO VeraController#vera loaded mapping ver 21236 rev 1 format 1 notice
2021-09-06T21:05:43.148Z VeraController:INFO VeraController: deviceclass vera_system_object capability sys_system does not provide attribute state
2021-09-06T21:05:43.227Z Controller:NOTICE Controller SystemController#reactor_system is now online.
2021-09-06T21:05:43.339Z app:INFO Structure running; pausing for controllers' initial ready
2021-09-06T21:05:43.347Z Controller:NOTICE HubitatController#hubitat not ready; performing initial connect/query
2021-09-06T21:05:43.896Z VeraController:NOTICE Controller VeraController#vera is now online.
2021-09-06T21:05:45.291Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.322Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.383Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.387Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.391Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.394Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.409Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.414Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.418Z Controller:ERR HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation
2021-09-06T21:05:45.510Z Controller:INFO HubitatController#hubitat connecting to hub's eventsocket WebSocket API at ws://
2021-09-06T21:05:45.517Z Controller:NOTICE Controller HubitatController#hubitat is now online.
2021-09-06T21:05:45.522Z app:NOTICE Starting Reaction Engine...
2021-09-06T21:05:45.524Z Engine:INFO Reaction Engine starting
2021-09-06T21:05:45.525Z Engine:INFO Checking rule sets...
2021-09-06T21:05:45.542Z Engine:INFO Checking rules...
2021-09-06T21:05:45.544Z Engine:INFO Data check complete; no corrections. -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I HubitatI edited them directly on the pie in the textfile.
this is what the var log file said:
Sep 6 22:17:23 raspberrypi dhcpcd[428]: wlan0: fe80::465:fde6:f33:2344 is reachable again
Sep 6 22:17:23 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[429]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::2598:15e9:620:fe7d on eth0.
Sep 6 22:17:26 raspberrypi dhcpcd[428]: eth0: leased for 7200 seconds
Sep 6 22:17:26 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[429]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Sep 6 22:17:26 raspberrypi dhcpcd[428]: eth0: adding route to
Sep 6 22:17:26 raspberrypi dhcpcd[428]: eth0: adding default route via
Sep 6 22:17:26 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[429]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Sep 6 22:17:26 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[429]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Sep 6 22:17:34 raspberrypi systemd[1]: systemd-fsckd.service: Succeeded.
Sep 6 22:50:34 raspberrypi systemd-timesyncd[339]: Synchronized to time server for the first time (
Sep 6 22:50:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Succeeded.
Sep 6 22:53:32 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[626]: [session uid=1000 pid=626] Activating service name='ca.desrt.dconf' requested by ':1.28' (uid=1000 pid=1084 comm="mousepad /var/log/syslog ")
Sep 6 22:53:32 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[626]: [session uid=1000 pid=626] Successfully activated service 'ca.desrt.dconf'
Sep 6 22:54:50 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[418]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.51' (uid=1000 pid=1100 comm="/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser-v7 --fo")
Sep 6 22:54:50 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Sep 6 22:54:50 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[418]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
Sep 6 22:54:50 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Sep 6 22:54:50 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:50 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:51 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:51 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:52 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:52 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:53 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:53 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:54 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:54 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:55 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas
Sep 6 22:54:55 raspberrypi gvfsd[665]: mkdir failed on directory /var/cache/samba: Åtkomst nekas -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits Could not reach thrue UI .
The reactor.log file is no missing since the rm command.....
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits
hehe.... went exited/etc/systemd/system/reactor.service......
[Unit] Description=Multi System Reactor [Service] Type=simple User=pi WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/reactor Environment=NODE_PATH=/home/pi/reactor ExecStart=/home/pi/.local/lib/nodejs/node-v14.15.4-linux-armv7l/bin/node Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5s [Install]
Reactor log......
2021-09-06T20:07:08.063Z <app:null> Reactor "1.0.1-21243-ab6d917" starting on v14.15.4 2021-09-06T20:07:08.066Z <app:INFO> Process ID 3029; platform linux/arm #1408 SMP Mon Mar 22 12:49:24 GMT 2021; locale [ "sv-SE", "UTF-8" ] 2021-09-06T20:07:08.067Z <app:INFO> Basedir /home/pi/reactor; data in /home/pi/reactor/storage 2021-09-06T20:07:08.067Z <app:INFO> NODE_PATH /home/pi/reactor; module paths [ "/home/pi/reactor/node_modules", "/home/pi/node_modules", "/home/node_modules", "/node_modules" ] 2021-09-06T20:07:08.241Z <Plugin:null> Module Plugin v21173 2021-09-06T20:07:08.273Z <default:INFO> Module Entity v21177 2021-09-06T20:07:08.284Z <Controller:null> Module Controller v21226 2021-09-06T20:07:08.286Z <default:null> Module Structure v21229 2021-09-06T20:07:08.305Z <default:null> Module Ruleset v21096 2021-09-06T20:07:08.306Z <default:null> Module Rulesets v21096 2021-09-06T20:07:08.380Z <default:null> Module Rule v21224 2021-09-06T20:07:08.397Z <default:null> Module Engine v21213 2021-09-06T20:07:08.399Z <default:null> Module httpapi v21238 2021-09-06T20:07:08.406Z <default:null> Module httpproxy v21054 2021-09-06T20:07:08.450Z <default:null> Module wsapi v21196 2021-09-06T20:07:08.454Z <app:NOTICE> Starting Structure... 2021-09-06T20:07:08.463Z <Structure:INFO> Structure#1 starting controller interface vera (VeraController) 2021-09-06T20:07:08.473Z <Structure:INFO> Structure#1 starting controller interface hubitat (HubitatController) 2021-09-06T20:07:08.480Z <Structure:INFO> Structure#1 starting controller interface reactor_system (SystemController) 2021-09-06T20:07:08.622Z <default:null> Module VeraController v21236 2021-09-06T20:07:08.629Z <default:null> Module HubitatController v21243 2021-09-06T20:07:08.632Z <default:null> Module SystemController v21102 2021-09-06T20:07:08.642Z <VeraController:NOTICE> VeraController#vera starting 2021-09-06T20:07:08.765Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController#vera loaded mapping ver 21236 rev 1 format 1 notice 2021-09-06T20:07:08.767Z <VeraController:INFO> VeraController: deviceclass vera_system_object capability sys_system does not provide attribute state 2021-09-06T20:07:08.887Z <Controller:NOTICE> Controller SystemController#reactor_system is now online. 2021-09-06T20:07:09.035Z <app:INFO> Structure running; pausing for controllers' initial ready 2021-09-06T20:07:09.044Z <Controller:NOTICE> HubitatController#hubitat not ready; performing initial connect/query 2021-09-06T20:07:09.629Z <VeraController:NOTICE> Controller VeraController#vera is now online. 2021-09-06T20:07:10.118Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.158Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.274Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.281Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.287Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.289Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.318Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.326Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.331Z <Controller:ERR> HubitatController#hubitat mapped capability x_hubitat_healthcheck has no implementation 2021-09-06T20:07:10.478Z <Controller:INFO> HubitatController#hubitat connecting to hub's eventsocket WebSocket API at ws:// 2021-09-06T20:07:10.484Z <Controller:NOTICE> Controller HubitatController#hubitat is now online. 2021-09-06T20:07:10.489Z <app:NOTICE> Starting Reaction Engine... 2021-09-06T20:07:10.491Z <Engine:INFO> Reaction Engine starting 2021-09-06T20:07:10.492Z <Engine:INFO> Checking rule sets... 2021-09-06T20:07:10.504Z <Engine:INFO> Checking rules... 2021-09-06T20:07:10.506Z <Engine:INFO> Data check complete; no corrections.
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I HubitatWe have a winner!
I did
cd reactor
NODE_PATH=$(pwd) node app ( this line I totally missed)and my house lit up like a Christmas trea!
Thank you for your patience with me Patrick!
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits
Gaaah..... im tired and beginner.....Sorry....ok so this I no get when I run node app.js
2021-09-06T19:59:36.893Z Rule:5:980:Rule.js Rule#rule-kmst5xze._evaluate() mutex acquired, evaluating
2021-09-06T19:59:36.894Z Rule:5:984:Rule.js Rule#rule-kmst5xze update rate is 1/min limit 60/min
2021-09-06T19:59:36.895Z Rule:5:904:Rule.js Rule#rule-kmst5xze evaluateExpressions() with 0 expressions
2021-09-06T19:59:36.897Z Rule:CRIT Error: Cannot find module 'common/util'
Require stack:- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
Error: Cannot find module 'common/util'
Require stack: - /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:880:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
at Engine._get_lexp_extensions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js:862:25)
at Rule.evaluateExpressions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:904:330)
at Rule._evaluate (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:994:344)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
at async /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:963:17
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits But if I no try to start via node app.js
I get in terminal windowpi@raspberrypi:~ $ node app.js
throw err;
^Error: Cannot find module '/home/pi/app.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:880:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12)
at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47 {
requireStack: []
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits they that you refer to are there but nothing after I now stopped and started
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits
hmmm nothing is being logged there after stop ,start. the log file has not been updated since I tried node app.js for a couple of hours ago -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits
I dont see the string reactor version starting on XXXX as you wrote.From the var/log syslog I get this after stopped and started reactor via systemctl restart reactor
Sep 6 20:58:49 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 6 20:58:50 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Succeeded.
Sep 6 21:00:41 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[402]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.57' (uid=1000 pid=1071 comm="/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser-v7 --fo")
Sep 6 21:00:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Sep 6 21:00:41 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[402]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
Sep 6 21:00:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service. -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@crille tried .....
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits ok... yes for sure it is me setting something up wrong... will struggle some more...
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I HubitatI have followed your instructions but no success.
Dont no what to do..... Here is the log from msr
/MattiasRequire stack:
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
Error: Cannot find module 'common/util'
Require stack: - /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:880:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
at Engine._get_lexp_extensions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js:862:25)
at Rule.evaluateExpressions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:904:330)
at Rule._evaluate (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:994:344)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
at async /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:963:17
2021-09-06T16:19:30.352Z Rule:5:980:Rule.js Rule#rule-ksn5u2pn._evaluate() mutex acquired, evaluating
2021-09-06T16:19:30.352Z Rule:5:984:Rule.js Rule#rule-ksn5u2pn update rate is 0/min limit 60/min
2021-09-06T16:19:30.353Z Rule:5:904:Rule.js Rule#rule-ksn5u2pn evaluateExpressions() with 0 expressions
2021-09-06T16:19:30.354Z Rule:CRIT Error: Cannot find module 'common/util'
Require stack: - /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
Error: Cannot find module 'common/util'
Require stack: - /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:880:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
at Engine._get_lexp_extensions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js:862:25)
at Rule.evaluateExpressions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:904:330)
at Rule._evaluate (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:994:344)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
at async /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:963:17
2021-09-06T16:19:30.356Z Rule:5:980:Rule.js Rule#rule-ksm11ihr._evaluate() mutex acquired, evaluating
2021-09-06T16:19:30.356Z Rule:5:984:Rule.js Rule#rule-ksm11ihr update rate is 0/min limit 60/min
2021-09-06T16:19:30.357Z Rule:5:904:Rule.js Rule#rule-ksm11ihr evaluateExpressions() with 0 expressions
2021-09-06T16:19:30.358Z Rule:CRIT Error: Cannot find module 'common/util'
Require stack: - /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
Error: Cannot find module 'common/util'
Require stack: - /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js
- /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/httpapi.js
- /home/pi/reactor/app.js
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:880:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
at Engine._get_lexp_extensions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Engine.js:862:25)
at Rule.evaluateExpressions (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:904:330)
at Rule._evaluate (/home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:994:344)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
at async /home/pi/reactor/server/lib/Rule.js:963:17
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I HubitatI checked and changed the lines to this ( I guess something is wrong there)
Description=Multi System Reactor[Service]
WantedBy=multi-user.targetand restarted reactor....... then I see this in log.....
Sep 5 15:26:16 raspberrypi systemd[9870]: reactor.service: Failed to determine user credentials: No such process
Sep 5 15:26:16 raspberrypi systemd[9870]: reactor.service: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/local/lib/nodejs/bin/node: No such process
Sep 5 15:26:16 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER
Sep 5 15:26:16 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 20060.
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[9871]: reactor.service: Failed to determine user credentials: No such process
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[9871]: reactor.service: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/local/lib/nodejs/bin/node: No such process
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER
Sep 5 15:26:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 5 15:26:22 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 5 15:26:22 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service:8: PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/ \u2192 /run/; please update the unit file accordingly.
Sep 5 15:26:26 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Sep 5 15:26:26 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 20061.
Sep 5 15:26:26 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 15:26:26 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 15:26:27 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Succeeded.
Sep 5 15:26:42 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 15:26:43 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Succeeded.
Sep 5 15:34:06 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 15:34:06 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Succeeded. -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I HubitatThis is what the log says:
Sep 5 00:00:00 raspberrypi rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.1901.0" x-pid="383" x-info=""] rsyslogd was HUPed
Sep 5 00:00:00 raspberrypi rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.1901.0" x-pid="383" x-info=""] rsyslogd was HUPed
Sep 5 00:00:00 raspberrypi systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Succeeded.
Sep 5 00:00:00 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Rotate log files.
Sep 5 00:00:00 raspberrypi systemd[1]: man-db.service: Succeeded.
Sep 5 00:00:00 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Daily man-db regeneration.
Sep 5 00:00:02 raspberrypi colord[955]: failed to get session [pid 17774]: Inga data tillg\u00e4ngliga
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 9474.
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[17799]: reactor.service: Failed to determine user credentials: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[17799]: reactor.service: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/local/lib/nodejs/bin/node: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER
Sep 5 00:00:05 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 9475.
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[17800]: reactor.service: Failed to determine user credentials: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[17800]: reactor.service: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/local/lib/nodejs/bin/node: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER
Sep 5 00:00:10 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 9476.
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[17801]: reactor.service: Failed to determine user credentials: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[17801]: reactor.service: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/local/lib/nodejs/bin/node: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER
Sep 5 00:00:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 9477.
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Multi System Reactor.
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[17802]: reactor.service: Failed to determine user credentials: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[17802]: reactor.service: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/local/lib/nodejs/bin/node: No such process
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER
Sep 5 00:00:21 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 5 00:00:26 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.
Sep 5 00:00:26 raspberrypi systemd[1]: reactor.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 9478. -
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits@
Followed your instructions to run it under systemd but when i do nr 4 and 5 reactor won't start...
Should I write sudo systemctl start reactor under pi@raspberrypi as in picture?/Mattias
Updated to latest MSR 21243 and no entities are being executed I Hubitat@toggledbits I run it with Node app.js