Home Assistant

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    Don't know where to post this really so I'll post it here.

    I am running HAos in a Virtual Machine using Oracle Virtual Box Manager.

    Occasionally, Virtual Box or HA hangs up whereupon I have to manually restart from the Windows on the NUC. I'd like to set it up to have a watchdog to Close out the HA, and then restart it when this happens automatically.

    I'd also like to keep all my Z-Wave devices connected. One of my locks will become non-responsive and show up as a dead node even though I've put two powered devices between it and the Controller. A lot of times a route rebuild does not fix it and neither will a device interview. Is there a script to have this happen on

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    @therealdb said in Home Assistant Door Locks via Keymaster - Adding Second Lock Not Working:

    @sammy2 yep, see for an explanation:

    DrZWave  /  Jul 13, 2021 Z-Wave Mesh Priority Routes Explained Z-Wave Mesh Priority Routes Explained

    Brief explanation of how to use Application Priority Routes in the Z-Wave Mesh to optimize delivery

    It's under network graph (left menu). You need to set return routes. I have a couple of nodes that went from 10 sec to instantly, because of an horrible set of dynamic routes calculated automatically.

    That sounds like a work day and a potential to bork my system! I think physically re-routing is probably more practical.

    My locks are all now set up and working. I had to move my NUC / Controller to a high location more central in my house and put in a wired repeater to help route around a massive masonry fireplace that goes from the floor to above the roof and is about 2 or more feet thick and the full width of the wall separating the Family Room from the Laundry Room to get the lock between the laundry room and garage to show up on the network.

    Very pleased thus far with Keymaster and now I need to set up notifications so I know when certain people are coming through the locks and into my house.

  • Security with Smart Door Locks

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    Working on it right now with keypad smart locks. Specifically Kwikset Connect 620 Z-Wave Locks and Home Assistant. I got the first one set up and am working on the second. I don't know if there are any hub based (Z-Wave or otherwise) that use biometric technology as of yet.

    That said, I had Schlage Z-Wave Locks (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KQY3MWL/ref=twister_B0B5MRN6V5?_encoding=UTF8&th=1)at my previous home integrated into Vera Plus. I had them set up to turn on the lights in the family room and entry way when activated and they would also notify me via email when someone used their key code to enter the house.

    I took them with me when I sold that home but in the new home aged bronze isn't going to work so I decided to go with polished brass to match the era and style of the house. I have three of these Z-Wave Locks going up for sale right now if interested. Let me know and I'll cut you a deal.

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    thanks for the advice, the issue was simply solved by forgetting and repairing the device, I'm not sure, but there was an interference from my bluetooth headphones that I tried switching off, anyway the article below helped a lot with tackling the issue, I put it here so others can use it if ever encountering this issue:

    Erfan Askari  /  Jan 29  /  Voice Assistants How To Connect Alexa To Vizio Soundbar: Ultimate Guide | Smart Home Scope How To Connect Alexa To Vizio Soundbar: Ultimate Guide | Smart Home Scope

    Trying to connect Alexa to Vizio soundbar? Here’s a guide that’ll help you do it by Bluetooth and AUX, the choice is yours!

  • New HA instance

    5 Votes
    6 Posts

    Just run everything under docker, including ha, and a single nuc is more than enough. USB are easily mapped via docker.

  • Using HA Harmony Hub to control volume

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    4 Posts

    Well that was far too easy. Thanks for the pointer at /config makes it really simple!


  • 1 Votes
    20 Posts

    HA is a very big piece of software. The current stable branch docker image is 1.6GB. I chose to run it on dedicated hardware; that just seems too large to saddle the NAS with. This makes the USB issue almost moot. I run ZWaveJS UI in a separate docker container, and use the recommended serial port aliasing (through /dev/serial/by-id/...). Both run under docker-compose. It's sane. No issues.

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  • Lovelace initial setup

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    Yes, the regular sidebar with dashboards is scrollable, i ment the custom sidebar i tried for a in-dashboard sidebar..

  • HA-Vera Energy Usage Deprecated since 2022.4.0

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    @toggledbits Yes, I am aware of that and this is how I use it with the rules in MSR but for redundancy (and dashboards) I also use the Vera integration in Home Assistant. I have not yet dived into the world of MQTT. 😁

  • Hosting web interface inside HA?

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    Images and cams are proxied by HA. You’ll definitely need something specific. I’m using synology’s ability to relay an internal address with a private dns to avoid using a vpn while at the office (or anywhere, when using my laptop). I’ve exposed Vera, reactor and ha this way and the normal tweaking is easy.

    The complex route will be to add ngnix, an authentication layer and route everything.

  • HA Bridge oddity

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    Well not really solved but....

    Copied the device in HA-Bridge. Discovered it in Alexa and it works. Deleted the old one and re-named it.

    Still works

    Go figure.


  • Odd behavior in HA

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    There's an updated blueprint posted in the HA forum, but not easy to find. It's midway through a large thread.
    I don't have this device, so can't say if it's 100% working now.
    You can try contacting The Smartest House through their website. If they don't have something posted, they may point you in the right direction.

  • TTS gone in HA/MSR?

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    9 Posts

    Any time you upgrade to a version that isn't supported, you run the risk that a change to the Home Assistant APIs won't be handled properly by the HassController class in MSR. In the last six months, there have been two changes that have changed their API significantly enough to cause issue, and in one of those two cases, it was total shutdown.

  • https not allowed in reactor?

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    OK. Of course, I was assuming, because of your example in reply to me, that you were making an HTTP request (via the HTTP Request action in reactions) to HA, not trying to use the secure websocket at the Controller interface level. This is why details in reports are important. More better than less. Also, if you have posted information from log files, it also would have been obvious that I was thinking about the wrong connection.

  • Home Assistant Fork

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    @toggledbits No, I totally grokked what you were explaining, it's just that there's a (relatively new) well-documented problem of Amazon Alexa now only looking at port 80 during Discovery. Hence, whatever solution one rigs to intercept its inquiries, it must originate on some device's HTTP port 80. And that simply cannot happen (without major surgery and risk) on the Synology NAS, even if you try to instruct a Docker container to open it (yields red box and stern warning). Just no can do.

    therealdb is recommending a work-around using Vera, and I'm inclined to try that once I pin down where his info applies.

  • EspHome acquired by Nabu Casa

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  • Latest HA release

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