@Crille Thanks! I was a bit confused when I first read that section of the MQTT documentation but your example using the topics from my own system helped clear it up for me.
I made a slight change to the template to make it "teslamate/cars/%topic%" which allows me to re-use it for multiple binary entities for both cars by using for example "topic: "1/locked" and "topic: 2/locked" for two entities in reactor.yaml.
I also hit a snag where trying to directly copy:
type: BinarySensor
capabilities: ['binary_sensor']
primary_attribute: binary_sensor.state
caused Reactor not to start with a yaml formatting error, but referring to the documentation I changed it to:
type: BinarySensor
- binary_sensor
primary_attribute: binary_sensor.state
moving the capability down one line with a leading "-" and it works.
Now I just have to find the time to write all the rules that are possible with the car information available in MSR... 👍