Multi-System Reactor

713 Topics 6.9k Posts
  • Feature Request: Disable Individual Actions

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    If you use groups in your reactions, you can disable those individual groups, might help a little

  • Actionable notification question

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    I realize the documentation on configuring event handlers isn't great. I've made some updates and will post them later today, but I still feel it needs work. Feel free to ask questions and make suggestions; then I'll know what holes to fill.

  • Reaction using Shell Command SSH

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    Update ot anyone trying to SSH from Multihub Reactor...

    I went to a linux bare metal install. Installing through the Add On store reset the docker image with every HASS restart. This means openSSH and the shared keys would disappear.

    Also - at time of writting the AddOn store version is out of date with no appearant activty. Likely to change, but I moved on to give more flexability to MSR.

    I look forward to the unintended consequences 🙂

  • 0 Votes
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    I did not write the Reactor Add-on installation method/package for Home Assistant and I do not support it. I have no idea how it works, and I don't have a setup to debug/troubleshoot with. Perhaps another user of the Reactor Add-on can chime in.

    There was a related question/post in late December, here, and other recent posts. Check those out. They may provide some insight.

    The user who originally provided that add-on is no longer providing updates, apparently. Perhaps someone else who uses this configuration would want to pick it up?

  • 0 Votes
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    I love it when solutions come to you in your dreams. It dawned on me that my Hub Security on the hub was reset but I still had it enabled on MSR. As soon as I enabled it on my hub and restarted MSR, and literally had a kid walk through the entire house, every motion sensor was tripping back and forth from inactive to active back to inactive.

  • Alarm from Home Assistant MQTT format into MSR

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    I don't have a Zwave/Zigbee Alarm, so I really don't know. I tried to search for something, but these alarms are not common. Right now, I'm just setting the same value coming from the payload.

    I had a virtual AlarmPartition under Vera and it was not mapped to security_mode, but that's fair, because I'm quite sure this capability was used in plugins and not by real devices.

    EDIT: since we're at this, is it safe to assume that the values reported in the docs ( are lower case instead of the case reported in the doc page? Thanks @toggledbits

  • 0 Votes
    16 Posts

    @toggledbits thanks.
    I've modified the from the other add-on and set up docker hub. Despite not fully being able to understand what and where Linux read/write errors actually arise from, I've got the files built and pushed. Had to use a pi to build the arm and aarch, then Ubuntu in Windows to build the amd64 due to errors and warnings about architecture. Unsure if that has to be that way, or they should be buildable from one platform or not.
    This was the better idea as when I tried to update the other add-on container, msr warned about node.js being out of date by doing it that way.
    I've got my version loading from a local plug in and pulled/running from GitHub now on my test install. Only thing to work out
    Only thing left to work out is why the alerts/entities aren't updating, but I'm thinking that's because the default in msr points to a dns name for HA. Which is likely resolving to my prod HA Yellow (incorrect login alerts on there also point to that). Was a rush before I needed to head away. I'll backup/remove and pull the new add-on to my prod. hardware once at a computer I can work properly from, then copy the rulesets etc into a backup for that and re-export it.
    Appreciate the tips from you and @Pabla
    It's a bit more work to build the files and pull into my own add-on but it's better I have the control and still run a supported HA install 🙂

    Update: That was it, installed/updated Reactor on my HA Yellow, entities updating as expected 🙂

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @toggledbits Got it. Will show all attributes next time. Thanks

  • [RESOLVED] PSA for Hubitat 2.3.7.x upgrade

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  • 0 Votes
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    You don't need to configure any custom events. The ZWaveJSController mapping for the ZEN32 produces five entities, usually named xxx Scene001 through ...005 (where xxx is your base device name). These all publish the button capability.

    See also:


  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Nice- very flexible.

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Happy to hear it worked out!! Just a tip if you chose to control your Envisalink through HA-Envisalink and not HA-Vera-Enivsalink take a look at this integration. It has a few more features than the native Envisalink integration.

  • Help updating node.js for bare metal install

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    14 Posts


    Super thanks for the master class!!!!

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts

    ops, soorry! now it is in signature too.

    Reactor (Multi-hub) latest-23338-170ea0c7
    Docker - Synology NAS

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @sethlampman I use multiple rules and a global expression to hold the current state of the light that I set when different events happen. When motion triggers the light I set the global expression to “auto”. When the light comes on with no motion then it must of been turned on manually so that rule sets the expression to “man” I then have rules to to shut the light off for when motion happend and another rule for when it was turned on manually with different delays. When the light is off I set the global expression to idle. Does this give you any ideas for your situation?
    Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 7.07.05 PM.png Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 7.07.31 PM.png Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 7.07.58 PM.png Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 7.08.21 PM.png Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 7.10.59 PM.png

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  • Run rule on dimmer change?

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    12 Posts

    Sounds to me like your UI was out of sync. A hard refresh should be done any time things don't look like expected.

  • CallMeBot new interface?

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    Yeah, would have preferred a new thread for this question.

    See the Troubleshooting section of the manual.

  • This topic is deleted!

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  • Using Zooz ZEN32 Scene Controller as Trigger

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    8 Posts

    Thank you both @togglebits and @Andr. I got it now.

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